
Why is the earth round if it was wouldn't we slip off even with gravity?

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Why is the earth round if it was wouldn't we slip off even with gravity?




  1. Did you just say, "if it was"?  Shew, that was close.  I thought for a minute there you were implying the world was round.  It's not, you know.  It's a cube.  That's uh, that's a kind of square you see.   A great big, green and blue cube floating in the middle of outer space.   And the sun, well that's God's giant flashlight.  He walks around the Earth and shines his beam on us cubians here down on Earth.

    My lord, what an idiotic question.  

  2. SEE?  Now do you see? I've known this "gravity" theory to be less than scientific for some time...The IDEA of some unseen mysterious force that somehow holds us to earth yet isn't strong enough to crush us is just LUDICROUS!  

  3. The gravity is so strong that we are being pulled down to a point where we wouldn't fall off. When you jump, you release a force against the Earth.... but it isn't long before the gravitational force pulls us back to the ground. Our perception of being on top is because in the universe, there is no up or down. It doesn't matter. The blood isn't pulled to our head if we were on the South pole because the gravity sucks it back up. If I were in outer-space, where there is no gravity, and were to turn myself upside down, the blood wouldn't rush to my head because there is no gravity pulling it down.

    Because there is no direction in space, the gravity is no stronger at the North pole than it is at the South pole... gravity from those two points are still pulling us inwards towards the core which is in the center.

    As for Earth being round, it is more spherical. Its not even perfectly spherical... it is actually a bit oblong. Thats why its known as an oblate spheroid. The equatorial diameter of the Earth is about 12,756 km while the polar diameter is 12,714 km. Not much of a difference, but a difference none the less.

    When objects get enough mass, they produce a strong force of gravity. With celestial objects such as stars and planets, they have a very dense core. so all of this matter is being pulled in towards the core. At the same time, there is a pressure pushing outwards in the object. When the gravitational force is equal to the pressure, the object becomes a spherical shape... the most compact shape in the universe. When it becomes a sphere through this process, it achieves something known as "hydrostatic equilibrium". This happened with the Earth.

  4. Because of Earth's gravity, all things are pulled towards the core/center of the earth. If you throw something upward, it will eventually fall towards the ground due to gravity. And because earth is so large and is veryyyy massive, it has a great strength of gravity.

  5. 'Spherical' is a more correct term than 'round'!

  6. No we wouldn't, because the force of gravity acts towards the center of earth.  

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