
Why is the eastern mud salamander a threatened species?

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Why is the eastern mud salamander a threatened species?




  1. because there are not many of them

  2. Due to its extreme rarity in the state, the eastern mud salamander was listed as a threatened species in New Jersey in 1979. The New Jersey Natural Heritage Program

    considers this species to be “demonstrably secure globally,” yet “critically imperiled in New Jersey because of extreme rarity” (Office of Natural Lands Management 1992).

    Throughout the 1980s, surveys were conducted to locate mud salamander populations in southern New Jersey, particularly in the Burlington County area where the

    species was first documented. Despite these efforts, there remain only two sightings of this species in the state.

    Limiting Factors and Threats

    Because so little is known about the eastern mud salamander in New Jersey, it is difficult to assess potential threats to this species. However, factors that endanger other

    salamanders, such as degradation of water quality and habitat loss, would also likely affect the mud salamander. The impacts of such threats would be compounded by this

    species small population size in the state.


    Additional surveys are needed to determine the distribution, habitat requirements, and life cycle of the eastern mud salamander in New Jersey. If the species is located, sites should be acquired or protected, high levels of water quality should be ensured, and the population should be monitored.

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