
Why is the election such a dead heat?

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I don't understand it. I thought that the Americans today are just sick of the conservative, republican Bush and just need the change that Barack Obama promises voters today. Has McCain really done such a great job of distancing himself from George W?




  1. it aint a dead heat no longer, sarah is soaring.

  2. I have no arguements with Obama's ability to give great speeches. He only has one problem: he has no experience. Noone knows what his changes are (unless you are a true republican). Therefore, people have begun to see that McCain isn't GW and that he has worked with both sides of the aisle and realize this man is genuine.

  3. I think the appointment of Ms Palin will push any undecided centrists towards Obama.  Obviously uneducated, bigots like Crazed D will still vote for McCain regardless (because he thinks Obama is muslim - which a) isn't true b) religion isn't a reason to choose a leader ).

  4. Its shouldnt be close after what the GOP has done over the past 8 years

    the only explaination is the right wing propaganda network of tv and radio stations that blame the left for all the woes of society, and character assasination

  5. No, he has not distanced himself at all.  But I think that is what he got Sarah Palin for.  And it seems that a lot of Republicans are sticking to their guns no matter how messed up Bush has made this country.

    Well, all I have to say is, when we're paying 7.46 for gas and nobody can afford their health insurance; not to mention having another 2500 dead in Iraq, they might think differently.  By then, of course, we'll be halfway to h**l.

  6. It isn't a "dead heat". McCain is far ahead of Obama. The leftist media only wants you to think it's close.  

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