
Why is the end of the world always COMING?

by Guest64192  |  earlier

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Has every generation before us predicted that the end of the world was near?




  1. Easy, cause it hasn't ended yet.  When it does, it won't be coming anymore.  No Bible, no prophecies, just the way the universe is.

  2. Because it's in the future, not in the past.

    If it was not "COMING", it would have come and gone, and we wouldn't be here discussing it.   :-)

  3. Because every day that the end does not come is a day closer that we are to the end. No matter what your belief is - in God or not - we are closer to the world not existing today than we were yesterday. It's simple time theory.

    And yes it's always preached that Jesus is coming - even in the OT. It can only happen one more time and it apparently just isn't time yet.  

  4. The reason that prophesy is ongoing is because believers can see the fulfillment until Christ returns.

    The Lord is not slow about his promise, as some people understand slowness, but is being patient with you. He does not want anyone to perish, but wants everyone to repent. 2 Peter 3:9

    Christ tells us that no man knows the day or the hour in which Christ will return to establish the Kingdom.

    But be sure of this: if the homeowner had known at what time the thief were coming, he would have watched and would not have let his house be broken into. Luke 12:39

    If it was told when it would be, people would live however they want and clean their act up 10 mins prior to Christ’s second coming. It is the faith in knowing he will return and trying to please him all the time. Just like loving someone, if you knew you’d die tomorrow, you’d recify things/ or not, but you’d live it differently than any other day. Faith in Christ’s return is similar, you live as if it will be today and this makes you a faithful servant.

    Luke 12:41-48

    [41] Peter asked, "Lord, are you telling this parable to us, or to everyone?" [42] The Lord answered, "Who then is the faithful and wise manager, whom the master puts in charge of his servants to give them their food allowance at the proper time? [43] It will be good for that servant whom the master finds doing so when he returns. [44] I tell you the truth, he will put him in charge of all his possessions. [45] But suppose the servant says to himself, 'My master is taking a long time in coming,' and he then begins to beat the menservants and maidservants and to eat and drink and get drunk. [46] The master of that servant will come on a day when he does not expect him and at an hour he is not aware of. He will cut him to pieces and assign him a place with the unbelievers. [47] "That servant who knows his master's will and does not get ready or does not do what his master wants will be beaten with many blows. [48] But the one who does not know and does things deserving punishment will be beaten with few blows. From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked.

    It is wisdom that one watches and waits, not foolishness.

  5. because it hasn't come yet.  yes, people have been predicting the end of the world since jesus died so.... don't hold your breath.  

  6. Because like the reprogrammed terminator machine sent from the future said:


    Anything that starts, that can end, will probably end. Eventially.

  7. Jesus will come again. you have to be patient. only God knows when the end of the world will come. you have to trust that God will do it when the time is right. When Jesus comes again, you are probably going to be down on your knees asking for forgiveness like the rest of us. it is because of the awful world we are coming to right now that God will end the world. if us humans could change the world from nastiness and despair to kindness and forgiveness maybe we would actually have a chance at eternal life when Jesus does come. and do not EVER doubt God. he has more power and goodness than any being on this earth. Do yourself a favor and go to confession.

  8. Because it isn't here yet.

  9. Because there are lots of really depressed people in the world who need something bad to look forward too..................... The world is constantly ending but it is constantly beging too!!!!!  And on the Jesus thing there are some people who believe that there has been numerous jesuses born since the JESUS that we all hear about but they just never got recognised but one day one will be.

  10. Because if it already came, we'd have known about it.

    As far as I know, yes, people have always claimed that Jesus is returning, ever since he died.  It never happens because, in my opinion, there is no God, and Jesus did not have supernatural powers.

  11. Yes, the end of the world is always coming just as the end of a street is always coming until, well, the end.

    There are many prophesies in the Bible concerning the end times.  Any one of these prophesies could simply be guesswork by an author.  Make enough predictions and some will come true.  But there is a uniqueness in these prophecies in so much that they will all happen within a common era of the days and years before the end.  

    Here is a little background that even the skeptics concede as factual.

      The Judeo-Christian scriptures are a thousand or thousands of years old real or not.

      The Old Testament is the Bible of the Jews.

      The Jews are a real race of people that existed and used this same Bible then.

      Those same Jews are real and are here with us today.

      The Jews use the same Bible today as they did thousands of years ago.

    Thus we can at least acknowledge that the Jews are a real people that have worshiped their God through an actual book for several thousand years.  The Christians have added many books to this called the New Testament which even skeptics believe are at a minimum 1,600 years old.  Ancient peoples using ancient books that they seek their God with.  We can conclude easily that the people are real and the book is ancient.  

      With that said, those old books have correctly prophesied;

       *That the Jews would lose their homeland and be scattered throughout the nations

       *That their Jewish temple would be completely destroyed(destroyed by the Romans in AD 70)

       *That the Jews would return to reclaim their homeland after they have finished out Gods punishment of being carried away.(The Jews reformed the nation of Israel in 1948).

       *That God would give them again a common language.(The Jews of Israel now speak the long dead Hebrew language and is the de facto official language of government).

       *That there will be no new books added to the O.T. after Jesus. (No new books since before Christ have been added even though the Jews dont believe in Jesus the Christ).  

       *That Jerusalem and the region will be in unending turmoil.

       *That the two main religions extending from Abraham's sons Isaac(Jews) and Ishmail(muslims) would war until the end of days.  


    Here are other end time prophisies that one can recognize in the last days;

    ***The scripture below describes the vehicles being used during the end times which descibe automibiles perfectly using the language of their day.

       (Nahum 4  "The chariots rage in the streets; they rush to and fro in the broad ways: the appearance of them is like torches; they run like the lightnings".)

       Why would and how could the ancients make the assumption that end time chariots would "rush to and fro", be self illuminated and run like "lighting"?



    ***There will be increased natural disasters.  Look at secular websites that deal with weather, earthquakes, famines and the like.  And also the impending ramifications of global warming(the earth has heated up                                       more in the last 20 years than in the previous 10,000 years combined).  


    ***The scripture below fortells of how the end of the world awaits the preaching of the Gospel to all parts of the world.  Only now in modern times is this possible and is happening as we speak.

        (Matthew 24:14  "And this gospel(Jesus) of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come")


      ***  The Bible foretells of the rebuilding of Gods temple.  Israel has the blueprints ready and are awaiting one thing.  To reclaim the 'Dome of the Rock" held by the muslims.

    ***Knowledge and travel has increased more in the last century than in all of history combined and is foretold as a factor in the end times below.

       (Daniel 12:4  "But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased".)

       Why would someone make up a prophesy about knowledge increasing when the default mindset of their day was one of knowledge being somewhat static and why would someone prophesy increased travel?


    ***Television was fortold in the following prophesy by implication as the entire world will watch an event collectivily in real time together.

       ( In the end God will send two prophets into the Holy City and will prophesy 260 days.  Then the Beast will kill them.  """9And they of the people and kindreds and *TONGUES AND NATIONS* shall

         see their dead bodies three days and an half."""

         How can the peoples of different languages and nations see these two prophets bodies live for 3-1/2 days?   Great artists and fast camels?   Television?


    *** At no time in history has people railed against and disrespected their parents as they do today.   The below description personifies American pop culture and its global influence.  This prophesy describes how people w

  12. because we are still there.

  13. Because it is so much more interesting than to write

    The world ended yesterday, and all I got was this stupid T-shirt!

  14. Christmas is always coming too

  15. It will come and when it does you better be ready.

    The time to repent is now.

  16. It is just stupid people making up rumors to scare people.

  17. well, if they keep saying it, it will happen eventually...

    i mean it's not like it's going to last forever...

    so when the sun goes supernova in like 4-5 billion years, the humans then can say "see i told you so"....

  18. The world itself is never going to end. The only thing that's going to end, according to the bible, is man's government on and over it. Nowhere in the bible does it say the world itself is going to end. In fact, it says the exact opposite.

    When it's going to happen is for those who know what to look for- the signs. If you've read it, you'd know it says to "Watch and be ready". Alot of people who ask this question and those like your first responder will be just the ones who will be completely caught off guard when it happens according to God's schedule. Look around sometime at world events and compare it to the bible and then tell me how anyone with a thinking brain in their head could possibly say it's not beginning right now here in our age.

  19. Yes. Every generation had nutjobs who thought the world would end in their lifetime. Today's generation is no different.

  20. b/c the last prediction is always GOING

  21. It's the end of the age that is coming, not the end of the world. The world is without end. At some point, Jesus will come with the saints and rule the New Earth.

  22. Yes.  The end of the world is always seems to be coming.  I think that this 'phenomena' seems to happen because religions always freak out... "My god!  you have to REPENT!  The end of the world is coming!  Repent for your sins before it is too late!" and all that jazz.

    You can kind of guess how accurate these predictions are, based off of the fact that about every 10 years or so a new apocalyptic hysteria sweeps the planet (such as *cough* global warming *cough*).

    And, btw... Jesus has come and gone.  He is old news; Christianity is already over him, they have moved on to looking for the next messiah.

    These types of things (end of the world, next messiah) never seem to happen because people make them up off of very sketchy (and bass ackwards) reasoning and logic.  Yes, the world will end; but most likely, it will happen in billions of years.  When (and will) the next messiah come?  No way to tell, so you might as hope for it to be in your lifetime!

    I hope that makes sense and answers your questions :)


  23. yes, right now I'm trying to predict my own version of the armageddon

  24. they might be right someday!!!.......but ya i don't see their hastiness necessary

  25. The end happens everyttime you change.

    The end happened for the old men in the forest  clinging to the old way and Budda destroyed there world or changed there minds it was armegenden.

    THe end happened When Jesus destroyed the old world

    It destroyed Olypus it destroyed the valhala.

    the end happened to the pagan preists in europe when there world ended and a new revelation took over.

    Revelation is the end of ignorance the end of the old way and the start of the new.

    IT happend whenever the old way gets stale the religion no longer touched the inner reaches of the human mind when the symbols no longer mean anything\

    that is when a new Idea comes and the old world ends.

    IT happens everyday in someones world somewhere.

    Maybe this answer as just caused an end to your old way of thinking and started a new one.

    THE whole world is between your ears.

    Change your mind and the old world is destroyed.

    That is what revelation is about.

  26. Because fear is the oldest motivation technique.

  27. Fear, basically. I don't know what else to say. I wish I understood deeper. But yes there is a doomsday every month, for the past few hundred, if not thousand years. Why does humanity wish for its own demise, I wish I knew.

  28. "Why is the end of the world always COMING?"

    Because humans are a silly bunch.

    "Has every generation before us predicted that the end of the world was near?"

    Pretty much:

    (Forty-Four End-of-the-World Prophecies——That Failed)

  29. Because it won't be here til it is here; so of course it's always coming.

    The Bible says it's coming.  

  30. Because ignorance and delusion are rampant in this world.

  31. Because everyone wants to push their brand of religion on everyone else and what better way than predicting doomsday. If it were all religions predicting the same thing, you might take notice, but no one is in agreement (except maybe 2012) so I pay no attention. The world will end when it ends.

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