
Why is the energy use per capita in the world rising?

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Why is the energy use per capita in the world rising?




  1. Its because people in third world countries are improving their standard of living. As people in the developing parts of the world have more income, they are buying energy using conveniences they never had before. More people in India and China have motorized transportation than ever before. They have computers and appliances they never had. Its not a bad thing to enter the 21st century.

  2. Because we are all consumer whores

    We are - think about it.

  3. Consider that the total Population of earth uses X amount of power. Divide X by 6 Billion (roughly) and call the answer Y. Now we all know that a 15 year old kid in a developed country uses much more power than a 15 yr old kid in a non-developed country. So, as China and India become more industrialised and thier power consuption rises, and western countries use more and more gadgets, then the total consumption is no longer X. In fact it will prob be closer to 1.3X, Therefore if you divide 1.3X by 6 billion the answer will be no longer be Y but closer to 1.3Y

    And that is how the average consuption rises.

  4. Because the world is getting more and more hooked on technology and the technology sector is being driven by this force, thus, energy is getting in higher demand each day

  5. you probably mean "per head" and the reason is, we always find more ways to use energy.

  6. More people, more energy needed.

    Geez, it's not a hard thing to figure out.

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