
Why is the extreme left working overtime demoting Jesus from the Savior, to a mere community organizer?

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  1. Aren't the people in your own party (moralistic, prudish Republicans - think Limbaugh) aghast at your gaffe at being so heinously blasphemous? Using the words "Jesus" and "Savior" the way you do? (Obama never said he was either of those words. You did. In fact, the Republicans accused him of that. The party where people like Limbaugh reside.)

    Obama never belittled being a community organizer, he's proud of being one. It was Palin who did in her speech. If you're going to bash someone, please stick to facts.

    To the person trying to make a quote, it's sifted, not shifted.

  2. In most communist countries religion is barely tolerated, so I don't see how what the far left has to do with anything religious. Maybe you should just accept that Jesus was a someone who lived a long time ago and was nothing other than a mortal man until catholic idealogy changed and he was elevated to Son of God. I mean, if you base your life around series of gospels written in Canaanite Hebrew, then Aramaic, then Latin, then Greek, then finally every other langauge under the sun, what does that say? That you believe some ancient scholar's best guess at what he was transliterating is fact?

    Jesus was a man. Not a saviour, not the Son of God, or whatever it is people get brainwashed into believing.

  3. They hate Jesus, they hate babies, they hate change, they hate hope, they hate everything except our money.

  4. Jesus isn't complaining... he has seen much worse!

  5. They believe if they vote for Obama they will go to h**l .... hence they vote republican.

  6. You do know that Sen Obama was working with Catholic churches.

    "Catholics are expressing surprise and shock that Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin's acceptance speech tonight mocked her opponent's work in the 1980s for the Catholic Campaign for Human Development. She belittled Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama's experience as a community organizer in Catholic parishes on the South Side of Chicago, work he undertook instead of pursuing a lucrative career on Wall Street. In her acceptance speech, Ms. Palin said, "I guess a small-town mayor is sort of like a community organizer, except that you have actual responsibilities." Community organizing is at the heart of Catholic Social Teaching to end poverty and promote social justice."

    Evangelicals recognize the importance of Jesus' as community organizer as well:

    What is unimportant about faith based work?

  7. They're godless heathens.

  8. When everyone hears this, "Will the real Savior please stand". And everyone will see the real Savior, Jesus.                                           Everyone will then be sorry they voted for Obama because he's glued to his seat,The shaft shifted from the wheat.

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