
Why is the fact that Mr. Obama is only 6.25% African not reported?

by Guest63843  |  earlier

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Mr. Obama is 50% Caucasian from his mother’s side. He is 43.75% Arabic, and 6.25% African from his father’s side. The question no one wants to answer - particularly Mr. Obama and his supporters, is, Why do you think he has an Arabic name? Why does his father have an Arabic name? Why does every ancestor on his father’s side have an Arabic name? The further effect is that Mr. Obama would have to convince Americans still reeling from 9/11, Afghanistan, and Iraq, that now is the time for America’s first Arab-American president.




  1. Where do you get your facts and figures? Or your common sense? And why do some black people in the US have African names and generations of their families were never born in Africa? h**l, there are white people in the US that have African names and generations of their families were never born in Africa. My middle name is from England and although our family came from England in the 1600's, generations of our families were born in the US. The biggest question is why am I even writing this?

  2. And YOU want to claim him for YOUR race?  I am caucasian and perfectly happy that he considers himself, black, African, whatever.  Please, try not mention he is mostly white.

  3. His father wasn't Arab.  He was a Black Kenyan.  Nothing to do with Arabia.

  4. African Arabs are African, you know.

  5. Calls for speculation. Kenya isn't considered part of Arabia.  

  6. Well, white people are always saying to blacks that if you have 1% of black blood in your body you are Black, so there's is your ANSWER he's Black.  

  7. Heres a map of Africa

    Maybe you should take a geography and history class next  time you ask a stupid question.

    Kenya is in the lower parts of Africa. Outside Arabic influence.

  8. His father is not arabic.  He is Kenyan and very very black.  Have you seen his photo?  There is no denying he is a black man.

    Take a look.

    Nice try.  No.  On second thought,.. no, it wasn't.  Psh.

  9. For some reason, if you are part black you are all black. This ethic group drowns out all the others... I don't know why. I didn't get the color-mixing chart. I must have been absent that day.

    Same thing with Tiger Woods.. No one talks about him being an Asian golf pro..

    I saw something about how they traced some of his ancestors to Ireland. Maybe that is why those Kennedy dig him so much.

    In a perfect world none that would matter.. But it's not a perfect world.

    I'm not perfect either,, that's why I only vote for old white dudes (just kidding)

  10. Why is it that some people can be so stupid to believe that Obama is Muslim? I don't know which is worse : People think Obama is muslim or that people won't vote for Obama because they think he is Muslim!  There should be no surprise to why other countries think Americans are so stupid.

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