
Why is the female body considered more "obscene" than the male body?

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Why is the female body considered more "obscene" than the male body?




  1. its not the Females body is a work of art all the curves and such

    its like looking at a s**y sports car

  2. as a male, i have never thought that

    i was not aware it was.      some women and some men may share this view but i think it is the product of brain washing

    the human body was made beautiful, it is the workmanship of God

  3. More curves and stuff to look at

  4. It's not considered more obscene - it's considered more 'sacred' and therefore more *obscene* to flaunt it

    The word sacred isn't exactly what I mean but it's the only word I can think of.

    Womens bodies in our culture are more revered and 'protected' by ideaology so the outrage caused is by exposing the body which is culturally kinda sortta (was) taboo

  5. You got to be kidding.

    You see a naked lady and you see beauty. You see a naked man and you run screaming for your life!  Don't come near me with that thing!  Put it away, put it away!

  6. According to Merriam-Webster dictionary, obscene is that which is designed to incite to lust or depravity.

    Men are more visually oriented than women are.  Men are more easily aroused by visual images than women are.  And since most men are aroused by images of female bodies.  That's why female bodies are considered more obscene.

    The obscenity is in the eye of the beholder and not in the body that he observes.

  7. I don't think people are getting those person's question. I don't think the person meant obscene as in ugly or unattractive, but naughty or a body that needs to be censored and covered. And the fact that people are talking about the p***s when it comes to male nudity shows it right there. I think he meant how like it is obscene or inappropriate to show a woman's b*****s, *** and v****a, whereas, it seems to only  be considered obscene and nudity if the man exposes his genitals.

    Yes the p***s will get an X rating in movies while a woman's v****a won't be seen as explicit, but it's not like a woman's v****a is shown much in movies and would usually get a high rating as well. I'm thinking this is meant in real life to, as some here have talked about showing b*****s and parts in magazines in movies and pictures, but that's just images. It's not like you see women walk around topless or in a thong usually. I'm thinking it's the visual difference between men and women and how women's bodies are covered that creates the mystery that makes it taboo for some parts to be shown. It's too bad the only highly sexual part is a man's p***s and not other muscles on the torso.

  8. what?  I think you got it backwards dude.  Their body is a work of art and looks good naked (well most do) our bodies do not look naked.  The p***s is ugly.  Also some mens bodies are covers with hair where there should be no hair....a womens body is smooth, curvy in the right places*drools just thinking about them*

  9. It isn't. Why else can you see naked women in national newspapers, see exposed vaginas on television, but if you dare show an erect p***s you'll be censored immediately?

  10. Because they get a "rise" outta the guys.  They are regarded as "temptation" by most religious standards.  

  11. Perhaps because it has been covered up for so long.  There was a time - when women still wore long skirts when even exposed ankles were considered obscene.  Decades later, nobody gave a hoot.

  12. sounds like your personal opinion.


  14. Because the female body is nicer to look at. and lets face it a naked man is nothing but funny

  15. I always thought it quite the opposite... In movies you see nude woman all over the place and very rarely do you see a fully-nude man!  Or you'll see just his butt...  

  16. I'd argue just the opposite.  Male nudity will get a stronger rating at the movies than female nudity.

    In art, female nudes are show more often unadorned.  Male nudes are more likely to be covered with a fig leaf.

  17. How many times have you seen a v****a in a movie?

  18.      Is it?  Who says so?  The female body is infinitely more beautiful than the male.  It's more photographed than the male bod, certainly, but there's certainly nothing obscene about it.

    Mike B

  19. Firstly, our social system is still based on patriarchy. Therefore women are denied the freedom of expression. Female body is stigmatized in order to make sure that no woman reveals her body beyond the accepted degree. Otherwise women may become "too free" and threaten the patriarchal structure itself.

    Secondly, there is the age-old propaganda that female body=sexuality and male body=strength. Actually some people tend to establish the view of a heterosexual man as the universal view. Completely without rhyme or reason.

    Thirdly, women are regarded as more vulnerable to men's lust. It is expected from them that they'll know it and behave accordingly. In countries like India women are still blamed if they're raped after wearing so-called revealing clothes. It is really wonderful that the system which makes female body "a rare thing" and increases men's sexual urge through long suspension (something like black market economy) is exploiting our basic stupidity for centuries!

    Other reasons may be shown but I think these three are the principal reasons. It is true that movies, etc. portray female body with a greater emphasis. But that is simply an application of the "pressure cooker theory".

  20. Well, over time, human society just gradually became like that.  We can make a huge overhaul to our society overnight by making female toplessness okay, but it would be a little awkward.  It would be heaven for frat boys, though.

  21. when women look at a mans thing she goes "ewww"

    but men enjoyu looking at a womans thing. anything too good usually is considered taboo. You tell me why/.

  22. dont worry about **** like that

  23. To me and a lot of people that I know it's the male body that is more obscene.  

  24. how is that? how many times have u seen a p***s in a movie? The female body is displayed alot more...and  I'm quite happy about that.

  25. because american men are so dumb about making certian areas of our bodies out to be s*x objects. you dont see people in europe acting the way american men do!!!! and then there is the media........hhhhhuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuggggg... they make everything a big issue, like when miley cirus had only a sheet on, well if that was the jonas brothers with no shirts on there would be no issue right!!!!

  26. we have diff parts at the top but it has always been like that females are seen as more obscene everywhere it is g*y

  27. Because we have more womanly "parts" and our body is more complex than than the males.

    Plus, that's just how society looks at it.

  28. you ask this as if it's a fact. I don't believe it. people in general will freak out more if a naked man is walking down the street then a woman. More people see a woman's body as a work of art then mens bodies.

  29. I think it is the culture that matters, womens r cosidered to be builder n maker of homes.Today girls get too depressed with their style n involve in derogatory habits.So nothing at all.Men are well mannered to a large extent.

  30. Woman shows all the nature in her body. Mountains ,Valleys , obviously she is called a Natural Beauty.

  31. who knows? more parts?

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