
Why is the gas price so freakin high!?!?!?!?

by  |  earlier

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I went to the gas station and saw that the price for the special is $4.50. In vanaswella ( I don't even know how to spell that freakin countrie's name!) The price for gas is 10 cents and in iraq the price for their gas is 5 cents. please tell me why ours is getting higher every time, because sooner or later, they will jump it to

$5 a gallon ( I don't want to imagine that).




  1. You must be mistaken that the price is 5 or 10 cents in those countries, it costs WAY more to refine it than that. Unless it's subsidized.

    You want a good reason? The supply of gas is there, but America can't REFINE more because no NEW refineries have been built in the last 30 years...WHY, you ask? The Democrats / liberals /  Enviro-n***s. They refuse to allow more to be built, so all American refineries are running at 110% capacity...there's no way to PRODUCE more gasoline compared to demand, without more it to a supermarket with only 3 cashiers - fine at 3 pm on a Wednesday afternoon, but NOT on a Saturday! You need 5, 7, 10...but if you're only allowed 3, then you get long lines, etc. No matter HOW much produce is on the shelf, you can't get it out the door any quicker than 3 can produce it. GET IT? IT'S the fault of the Democrats and Environmentalists that Oil companies can NOT build any more refineries, period. So, either boot-em out, or live with it, or change your car. Sadly, the last thing people will do is "boot out" the Democrats holding oil hostage, and then blaming the Oil companies...

    - The Gremlin Guy -

  2. Its because the Venuzwalans arent in love with gas guzzling SUVS, jet planes , recreational vehicles and using gas for nonsense....and they have their own reserves they are free to tap because they shoot tree huggers down there.....BUT gas wouldnt be so darn high here if you could just get people to CUT BACK!!!  Dont use gasoline for anything but gettting back and forth to work and the dr....stay home and read a book or be with your kids instead of going out with friends...

  3. before this question,i answered a same question like this except the person was shouting! sorry i don't know why it's so high.


    i am really sorry

  4. OPEC! Environmentalists! Ok so we aren't allowed to drill in OUR OWN country, but yet we can lease the ocean "land" right off the coast of Florida to China and other countries so that THEY can drill and funk up our waters, but shame on us if we personally go out and drill! I just don't think that it has sunk into the environmentalists minds that our ocean is one big huge ocean and it doesn't matter where or who drills or what part of the world they are drilling in, it will all be polluted one day! So in the mean time we suffer with high gas and food prices!

  5. Someone online told me that in parts of Alaska, it's $10 a gallon.

  6. lots of theories

    1) Weaking dollar

    2) Increased demand from india and china with same supply

    3) Oil reserves depleting

    4) Speculators making everybody worried about oil supplies (even though there is still plenty for a little while)

    5) Tax

    6) Instability in the middle east with the continued war

    7) Rich pigs of the OPEC sucking back all of our money. (they could increase production but wont because we still pay high prices)

    8) Enviromentalists that wont let us drill for our OWN oil here in the country or wont let us build any more refineries to manufacture the gasoline. ( They will come around when it cost them $200 to fill their tanks too )

    Umm .. Cant think of anymore off the top of my head but that's the bulk of it.

  7. I think it will continue to increase but i found out about a new web site there that helps with the cost of fuel. The website address is, go there and check it out.

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