
Why is the governement getting involved with myspace?

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Why is the governement getting involved with myspace?




  1. Governments don't like it for one reason they don't like that it can be used to spread the word about charites and human rights campaigns for free if you ask me. lots of my friends on it are all either Amnesty international, Darfur or some other human rights campaigners.  

  2. The governement should be involved in my space as it is a dangerous place for people, especially young people, women and children. Many predators on there looking for children and much harm

  3. The government of several countries monitor all emails, every URL you visit and sites like this one.

    Any sign of terrorism, criminal intent or anything else that might interest them gets passed to the relevant agencies such as homeland security, ATF, FBI etc!

    And quite right too!!

    If you have done nothing wrong and intend no harm you have nothing to fear!!

  4. Cause thats how little girls get raped like they tell them were they live  at then they met up some some scary place. Complete stranger then they get hurt and kill that why also you can be on Myspae and think you are talking to a cute 14 year old boy but you are really talking to a 30-58 year old sick man that wants to get in your pants.

  5. it is used to commit to many crimes.

  6. As an excuse to spy on people.  The Government has the powers to check on peoples' emails, phone calls, texts etc.

    Rumor has it that AOL is owned by the CIA.

  7. The government is involved in a lot more websites than just

    For the most part, it is to watch, monitor, and track what we the people are doing.

    Sure, they do have certain people keeping an eye on MySpace for the sole purpose of catching sexual predators and pedophiles, but they would like us to believe that it is the ONLY thing that they are doing.

  8. It is used by the terrorists for communications.

  9. Because the internet is the governments domain... and besides If the government weren't involved we might see more harm done to people like children and unsuspecting people.  

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