
Why is the government allowing so called green lightbulbs to dominate the market when they contain mercury?

by  |  earlier

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Not to mention that i and a lot of other people suffer migraines from these so called green lightbulbs. Why when these lightbulbs are anything but green are they being forced onto people against their will?




  1. When reading the instructions about clean up in case of the government not concerned about the terror of it......

  2. Oh, you haven't even mentioned the hassle of cleaning up breakages.  

  3. Are you paranoid?

    Low energy bulbs do contain a small amount of mercury which is not at all dangerous when contained within the bulb. The bulbs should be disposed of responsibly and can either be collected in your normal household waste bin or can be recycled at your local council’s Household Waste and Recycling Centre or at collection points provided by some light bulb retailers.

    Should you break a bulb in the house, it is advised that the broken material is swept up using a damp cloth and both the debris and cloth put into a double layered plastic bag and taken to a collection point for disposal. The room should then be well ventilated for at least 15 minutes.

  4. I've replaced all my light bulbs with the newer, lower energy bulbs and I have already noticed the difference in my energy bills.

    It is your responsibility to make sure that light bulbs are taken to a hazard waste recycling facility.  Do not put them in the trash!

  5. Because they want to be seen doing something to please their masters in Brussels. I'm surprised you have not realised that we have a Quisling government  

  6. It's all in the name of the 'environment', like concreting over the countryside.  If you break one of these bulbs you have to leave the room for 15 minutes because of dangerous gases.  Apart from that you can't see very well, certainly not if you want to read.  More like a punishment policy than anything else.

  7. The government shouldn't be controlling anything of this nature. The government -should- make companies responsible for stating if their products contain any harmful substances, and they do.

    If people don't want to buy these products, then the company will have to change or go out of business.

  8. Who knows they are a law unto themselves.

  9. One of life's hypocrisies, and they cannot be recycled, plus have you ever tried to read by the light of these bulbs, i got some free from an energy company and they are really awful. I will only keep them for emergencies.

  10. I like mercury.Ther is lots of mercury in tuna marlin and sworfish and we eat that so whats your problem.

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