
Why is the government so messed up?

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About 6 months ago i called Child Protective Services (CPS) on my brother in law because of what he was doing to his daughter. The man is a alcoholic and drug addict and actually once drugged his daughter with robitussin to make her sleep so he could go out and get drunk. Why did they not take the daughter away from him. They didnt even test him even though he has had CPS called on him 2 other times. Now it doesnt matter because his daughters mother and his daughter are moving to california (we live in NY) and he will probably never see her agian. It just makes me so mad that people can get away with so much these days and no one will ever stop them. I know its not much of a question it just makes me really mad and i needed to vetn. Have you ever had any problem with the government and your children?




  1. Right after my son was molested, some vendictive person decided to call CPS on me and say I was letting my son see his uncle(the abuser) again.  They came out and did an investigation and everything and found me to be a great parent, but the thought that somebody called on me really gets to me!  

  2. Not my children exactly, but my cousin's kids. She didn't feed her kids and was out partying every night with her abusive boyfriend while her three kids a boy who was in his teens, and two girls about six and four. They took them away and my sister took care of them for about two months and now the Child Protective Services are giving them back to my cousin! I was completely and utterly ticked off.

  3. I know it's sad.  But do you really know the whole story?  Sure he may be an alcoholic and drug addict, but did he really *drug* his child?  Or was she sick and she fell asleep after the medicine.  

    And for the one who said CPS was called on her after her son got molested - she should be happy that someone at least cared enough to make sure everything was OK.

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