
Why is the govt giving my criminal records and address to a private company?

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what is this company doing with my records,why should they have my address,where can i claim compensation




  1. If you have been convicted of a crime, this is a public record. This means that information contained in them (with a few exceptions) is a public record. Anyone can obtain information about your conviction. They can read the conviction file, crime report and any information in the file. There are companies that make a living selling this information. It's the cost of your conviction that this information is out there.

  2. This sounds very wrong. I don't know what company your information has been given to, or for what purpose. You may have committed a crime, but that doesn't give the Government the right to sell your information which is what they have done. Contact the Information Commissioner and see what he has to say.

  3. The Government is permitted to use private companies to do many things on their behalf. In cases such as this where it involves data, the company would have to sign the Official Secrets Act and a contract that puts lots of responsibilities on them.

    I don't know what you would want to claim compensation for. The Government can't necessarily be held responsible for the loss of the data, but only if the data is used in a way that puts you in some sort of disadvantage and you would need to be able to prove that.

    I suspect that although it may be the Government that can initially be sued, they will in turn be able to sue the company that actually lost the data.

  4. Bounty Hunters  

  5. Can you prove that they're not obtaining the information through public means?  It also depends on what kind of work you do.  If you're involved with weapons, explosives, nuclear, chemical, or of the sort, the company you work for would want information from the FBI and possibly the CIA to make sure that you don't have contacts in "other" places and criminal records.

    Need a little more detail.

  6. Oh its very simply. See by the government outsourcing to private companies; equates to those particular private business the opportunity to gouge our government with 3x times the going rate. But wait it gets better. Some of these companies will outsource their business to foreign countries. Countries whose governments are corrupted and their employees without scruples. Your very information precariously floats in the hands of too many individuals who can not be held accountable. Identity theft is at an all time high.  

  7. Perhaps you shouldn't be committing crimes!

    Did THAT ever cross your mind?

  8. The simple answer is because Britons do not want to pay taxes, and it is cheaper for the Government to give contracts to private companies (usually American) that don't recognise trade unions and only pay minimum wage, than it is to operate the system themselves.

    Until we accept that if we want good public services we have to pay for them, and the only way to pay for them is through taxation, this will continue to happen.

    And just to reassure you even more, this same company is running the Government's ID card scheme - so God help us all!

  9. Just change your address, then you can carry on stealing from those of us who choose to work for a living. If you steal enough you wont need to go to the trouble of claiming compensation.

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