
Why is the guy who liked me last year acting like this?????

by  |  earlier

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okayy so he like wont even look at me now..

and when i walk by he always goes in this locker hallway so he doesnt see me.. but i realized its like everytime im near.. or coming closer that he does this

and every morning i see him..his friend looks at me..but his back is turned my way so he cant see me..

and its like when im by the lockers where he is..he leaves..

i dont understand why??? :/

please give me a serious answer...




  1. either he wnats to see how intrested in him you are or he doesn't like you anymore.

  2. many possibilities. ill list the most likely.

    -hes moved on

    -he finds conversation at school awkward

    -he cant be with u for some reason

    -hes shy

    -his friends are bugging him about it

    -he thinks u dont like him so hes saving himself the pain

    did u turn him down last year? if yea then he probably is trying to get over you. its easier to avoid the person then deal with the heartache. guys wont admit it, but they hurt too if they really like a girl.  

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