
Why is the human ear flush to the head?

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cats and dogs have ears that are cupped or cocked. they seem to hear better than humans. is this a genetic adaptation?




  1. Flush to the head?  I would argue that.  I was just watching Micheal Phelps win another gold medal.  His ears stick out pretty good.

    Yes dogs and cats do hear better than humans.  It is an evolutionary adaptation.  The ancestors of those animals have heightened sense of hearing.  That trait helps them to survive in the wild.

  2. Yup, all part of evolution.

    Animals that hunt (wolves, cats, etc) and animals that are hunted (deer, rabbits, etc) both must have good hearing in order to survive.

    Humans don't really need exceptional hearing, and so haven't developed such exaggerated pinna (/auricle). But we do have a bit of that, just coming out the side of our heads, rather than sticking way out.

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