
Why is the human nervous system likened to a telephone network?

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In Scientific information.




  1. Like a telephone company, there is a central building (brain) that contains equipment for each phone (nerve ending).  There are trunk lines (major nerve bundles) that reach each neighborhood (finger, etc.) where individual lines reach each nerve ending.  Many lines are rather routine (hot, cold, touch, etc.) but some are for emergencies (pain).  Someone is in charge of the central operation (the I in each of us).  At night most of the system goes to sleep.

  2. The human nervous system is like the telephone network, cause it do the same thing , all the impulses that a human has respond through all the nerves which are connected to the base of the brain, and all signals and messages go to the brain, and the mind respond by sending an impulse to the given area ,and an action is preformed,then impulses are send back,for new impulses to be send by the brain, so that is why it is like a telephone system

  3. One breakdown all breakdown. Everything works like a communication network -

    Sender-> Message -> Medium -> Receiver-> Decode message.

    So, if you get punched, the signal goes like this -

    Opponent-> Punch -> Through your nerves -> To your brain -> Pain!

  4. because the neurones act a bit like the telephone wires that allow the signals or messages to get to the brain and back again to the muscles. you respond to the information you get on the telephone in the same way that your muscles react to the impluses they recieve.

  5. because the nervous system has connections to and can receive information and send information back and forth from all parts of the body, and the telephone network can also send and receive info from all its connections. the network operates both ways. another point also, is that both the neurvous system and telephone network send rapid, and direct messages, that are delivered extremely quickly, and delivered only to the desired target, unlike hormonal systems which deliver messages to all body parts and are slow. both have a central functional centre that integrates all the incoming and outgoing messages, it is the brain in the nervous system and the telecommunication centre in the telephone network

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