
Why is the human race built with blood, bones and continuity of?

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body, with a perfect temp. of 98.6 if we are not in God's plan?

God could have created monsters instead of humans (in his





  1. Chimpanzees and rats are also built of blood, bones, continuity of body and a constant body temp.   So are tigers, and kangaroos, and moles, and bats, and dodo birds, and penguins, and so were Tyranosaurs and Neanderthals.

    Is that evidence that they are all "part of God's plan"?

    If so, how?   And if dodo birds and Tyranosaurs and Neanderthals were in God's plan, then why are they extinct?

    And if they are part of God's plan, does that mean that alligators, frogs, and goldfish are NOT part of God's plan because they do not maintain a "perfect" body temp. (they are cold-blooded)?  Or the octopus or butterfly because they have no bones?

    My point:  If you're going to make a theological argument based on biology ... then you need to learn some biology first.

  2. you have no arguement and show massive ignorance of the very most fundimental elements of biology and many other sciences..

    there aren't enough books in the world to properly convey the information you seem to miss.. i suggest staying in or going back to school.. and actually listening

    if created in his image.. does god have blood, bone, a body temp of 98.6*.. does god also need to eat, drink, urinate, produce gametes?

    why is god like that? why would a super natural entity need to eat or distibute nutrients, oxygen, and waste around his body?

    why does he produce gametes? is there a race of gods living somewhere and 'ours' is just one of them?

  3. Why is 98.6 a perfect temperature.  There is a lot of variation of basal body temperature in humans.

    Your argument is a flimsy, biased humanocentric argument.

  4. since this really is a philosophical discussion, i would argue God did create monsters.

    people are not the perfect machines you probably imagine.  if they were, we wouldn't have so much disease, social problems, ignorance about evolution etc.

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