
Why is the husband wife relationship so different from all others?

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In a perfect world you love your parents as much as you can love anyone, and they love you. However, if you have a brother or sister, no one gets upset about sharing the parents (in a perfect world).

There are different types of relationships that require the most love and affection possible, why is marriage the only one where it's one on one.?




  1. its becuase they have to deal with kids and careers and stuff! most of the time they get along so u shoulkd accept jesus as ur lord an saivor and confess all ur sins! trust me ull be blessd! h**l put a peacful marrige into ur life ok! just belive in jesus and ull go to heaven! simple! my mom did and her and my dad r still together! no aggumeant!! hopes this helps!

  2. That's what makes marriage special.  Besides it is also the only one where u can CHOSE the person.

  3. Well for starters in marriage you have s*x...hopefully you do not do this with your parents.   But there are similar issues with sharing in a family relationship....sibling rivalry anyone?  Also marriage is a CHOICE.  You do not choose parents or siblings.

  4. It is the foundation of our society and the best environment to raise children in.  

  5. Perhaps it may be because "Marriage" is meant to be a holy sacrament where both the groom and the bride pledge vows to each other that they adhere to until death do they part.  =P

  6. Because marriage is special.

  7. marriage is unnatural concept, invented by religions or institutions

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