
Why is the increase in greenhouse gases of concern to humans?

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Why is the increase in greenhouse gases of concern to humans?




  1. Green house gases include water and carbon dioxide to a large extent but also methane, O3 and nitrous oxide. Too much water vapor in the air absorbs infrared radiation and traps heat below it with the result that the equatorial area is cooler and the poles warmer. Too much carbon dioxide in the air makes it unbreathable for humans. The process that removes carbon from cycling into the atmosphere as carbon dioxide from the land and ocean involves the growth of foraminifera such as diatoms which use the carbon to build an exoskeleton that falls to the bottom of the ocean when they die. Although increased carbon dioxide helps diatoms grow, they need enough other nutrients such as calcium. If the oceans temperatures increase too much then growth of kelp and algae deprive the water of oxygen killing plant and animal life and diminishes the upwelling of nutrients that support diatom growth. The estimated time to remove carbon from the atmosphere is approximately 1000 years.  

  2. because the more greenhouse gases, the faster the o-zone layer becomes diminished. without the o-zone layer, frozen parts of the world will melt and what happens when ice melts? you get more water and there is no technology on earth to make all that water turn back into ice. with more water, less land will be available to us, in thousands of years, to the point where there will be no land to live on and all humans will cease to exist unless we can somehow develope gills

  3. cuz they stupid  

  4. Well, I can see someone has been under a rock - just kidding.  Many reasons, but for an example of what could happen, look at Venus. Surface temp of 900degrees F. Extreme, but if polar ice were to melt, we're in big doo-doo.  

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