
Why is the invasion of England important when studying our modern legal system?

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Why is the invasion of England important when studying our modern legal system?




  1. The Norman invasion of England in 1066 brought about the end of the Witan, the body of powerful warrior-leaders who would decide the next king and disputes amongst themselves. The Norman conquest lead to 3 kings who made an impact upon the legal workings of England beginning with Henry II in 1154 who was a great reformer, a founder of English common law and creator of sound administration and justice. Following on comes King John who signed the Magna Carta in 1215 which provides a redress of grievances, the introduction of Habeas Corpus and the beginning of a limit on powers of the King; all in all a statement of civil liberties.

    Edward I came to the throne in 1272 proving himself a forceful ruler and established law and order in England, curbing the power of ecclesiastical justice and that meeted out by the over-powerful barons. He created the so-called Model Parliament, the most widely representative body yet summoned. Through this developed the court's of the King's Bench, and Common Pleas which furthered royal justice.

  2. yea what he said lol

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