
Why is the language here on YA India in English ?

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What is the predominant language in India ?

Why is it not used here ?

I'm English and writing this in the UK, personally I know only one language.




  1. Hindi is the national language so more people know it :]

    Not everyone knows how to read Hindi or any other language

    in India so that's why they don't use that language & it's

    a little hard to type Hindi with the alphabet so they can't do

    that either. They use English is alot of Y! Answers pages.

  2. Y!A India is at :

  3. I've seen this question asked here a lot...

    I think it's for communication purposes.

    The official languages are Hindi and English. What I've read from other answers to this question is that in India there are lots of languages depending on the area in India, but English is the most widely understood because they teach it in schools. Probably someone from South India wouldn't be able to understand a language from North India, but they can still understand English. Also not only people from India go on it, so lots of other people can understand it if it's in English.

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