
Why is the left all over Sarah Palin because of her daughter's pregnancy?

by Guest55743  |  earlier

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Perhaps they are upset that the baby was not aborted.




  1. The same reason people are over Barry because he's supposedly a Muslim...

  2. They have no other talking points from their liberal leash holders.

  3. They are grasping at straws and are scared out of their wits.

    McCain / Palin 2008

  4. at least 50% of the posts about Palin's daughter are coming from people like you...

    'the left' isn't all over anything.  You're talking about 150 million people like they are a monolithic entity with one brain.

    Use your d**n head

  5. Sarah Palin supports abstinance, she is against s*x education.  She is a fool.  I feel nothing but pity for that girl.  

  6. Could be the abstinence only policy is a little short sighted. The spotlight has been turned on a 17 year old who made a mistake and that is really unfortunate. The spotlight should be on policy....should schools teach s*x education w/information about contraception as Obama/Biden support, or should schools ONLY teach abstinence as McCain/Palin support. Right now s*x ed is leading 1 to 0.  

  7. It's all they really have. Their desperation and panic are growing by leaps and bounds now.

  8. It is hypocritical. Family privacy" only goes so far. The Clintons were famously protective of their daughter Chelsea's privacy during their years in the White House, and admirably so. Yet it was a legitimate issue for public discussion in 1993 when the Clintons, after campaigning for strong public schools, chose to send their daughter to a private school instead.

    When a family matters relate directly to policy matters, they are fair for discussion.

    The situation raises legitimate questions about Gov. Palin's positions on sexuality education, teenage pregnancy and reproductive choice.  Gov. Palin had no hesitancy sharing the details of her son Track's entering the army, or her personal decisions about her infant, as examples of her commitments to family.

    How could she expect that her daughter's decisions wouldn't be put into play?

    According to MSNBC, Gov. Palin has said that keeping the baby was her daughter's own decision.


    In 2006, Gov. Palin said that she would not support abortion even in the case of her own daughter becoming pregnant from rape.I'm guessing that there wasn't much discussion about Bristol's options when she told her parents about her pregnancy.

    I'm also wondering how much talk there was about sexual limit-setting beyond "just say no" and contraception in the Palin household.

    Palin opposes comprehensive sexuality education, and supports abstinence-only-until-marriage education.

    If abstinence-only-until-marriage doesn't work in your own home, how can you expect it to work for the country's teenagers?

    Then there was Mary Cheney in 2004. Cheney, no child, nevertheless sheltered behind her parents' indignation when John Kerry raised the question of how the Bush-Cheney ticket's opposition to L*****n and g*y civil rights would affect the vice president's own daughter.

    Rather than address the question, Cheney and wife Lynne excoriated Kerry for violating their family's privacy.

    L*****n and g*y Americans never got a fair hearing after that.

    The American voting public deserves answers. Republicans are good a dishing but cant take it.  

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