
Why is the left so angry????

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Why is the left so angry????




  1. It's always the right that is angry.

  2. Because their candidate of change has been outsmarted by a senior citizen who truly is all about change...

  3. If Whoopie Goldberg was on my side I'd hate myself too.

  4. Because they are going to be LEFT out in the cold. Just like Obama and Tony Rezko left all of those people in Chicago.

  5. The wish they were in Russia or China

    McCain for President

  6. They really think the rest of the world is evil and see themselves as saviors.  Such beautiful narcissism.  

  7. Because the middle class has lost ground in the past 7 years, while the rich get richer.

    Under Clinton, everybody was much better off.

  8. I assure you, I am one of the happiest people you'd ever meet

  9. You should have been in America the last eight years. You would be too!

  10. Liberalism and narcissism go hand in hand and like a spoil child they throw a fit when they do not get their way or someone does not bow to their demands. Since they cannot control themselves they try to control those around them and when it does not work...the rage sets in.

  11. I'm not...I'm ecstatic that McCain is pissing away the election.  

  12. They thought Obama was the only one who could charm.

  13. Anger is the natural reaction to constant, baseless attacks, like what the right has been using for, well, ever.

  14. Bush-hate, it rules their little lives.

  15. I am not angry or at least I wasn't until Palin came on board, I could care less about McCain.

    Palin is against my core. I believe Mothers (the ones that don't need to work to provide for their family)  should be mothers or not have children. I believe a woman should put her career on hold, if she has small children, until those children are at least in school.

    The chlldren in our country DESERVE to have their Mothers take care of them and not some other person who only takes care of them but does not provide them with the love, care and support their own Mother would.

    Not to mention a baby with speical needs, electing to have him and then leave his care to someone else just doesn't go down easy with me.

    Plalin doesn't seem to believe in any of that.

  16. Bitter people who hate the bible.

  17. When you are wrong that's all that's LEFT.

  18. Angry?  More like totally amused right now.

  19. Angry at  what? I must say this is one of my pet peeves. People who start s***, but can't handle the heat. GO TO BED!!!!!!!

  20. They are reacting out of fear.  

    They thought they were on their way to coasting right into the White House and nobody was going to get in the way.

    I guess they were fooled.

  21. laughing at John McCain and Sarah Palin doesn't equal angry anymore than teaching abstinence only s*x education equals no pregnant 17 year olds.  

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