
Why is the libral media praisng miss alaska's lame speech?

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have we passed through the looking glass

is america being punked




  1. it helps to re-enforce the illusion that they are not biased

  2. only conservatives think that the media is liberal because they don't talk about jesus enough.

  3. Because she did an excellent job!

    She delivered a home run.  

    Biden better watch out.  Heck- Obama better watch out!

    President Palin

    has a nice ring to it..

  4. Most of the media were finding minor errors to hit her on.

    You heard the media telling us about how anyone can give a good speech with a teleprompter.....

    Problem was we neglect to hear these things in our news coverage about Obama during his speech last time out...

    When Sarah speaks we get told by the media about all the distortions she has made about Obama. Now when Obama speaks all the distortions he makes about McCain go unnoticed.

    Btw the teleprompter had technical problems and she had to improvise at times.

  5. Nobody can be "punked" about Palin's speech if they don't want to be.

    Her speech will be online, both in text format and in video format.   If they aren't online already.

    Then, people can read or listen to the entire speech -- and then make up their own minds.  


  6. Because the speech was great.  Obviously Conservative/Republicans are going to love it AND obviously Liberal/Dems are going to hate it.  So how do we find the truth?  We look to what most non-party/independents are saying.  Their response:  Overwhelming positive saying the speech was great.

    Sorry.  Keep drinking the Obama-Aid.

  7. The speech was all about McCain and nothing about her issues except for war, oil and drilling.  Any high school kid who can read could have delivered the same speech.  I found her speech to be insulting to Obama which is something he will not do to McCain.

  8. Liberals can read between the lines...

    When the article says:

    "Don't you think we made the right choice for the next vice president. What a beautiful family," McCain said to loud cheers.

    We know what that really means...

  9. Maybe because she made a great speech? My goodness if you cant even admit someone who disagrees with you did something good you are truly blinded by party.

    BTW the miss alaska comment is awful close to a sexist remark. Nope i changed my mind, it is sexist.

    hey! i was david v first! darn i wasnt! okay need a new name.

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