
Why is the loose cannon David Milliband allowed to go stoke up WW III unchecked?

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Is he working for Bush or us? Why not sack the pillock?




  1. He's as concerned about the Georgians as Benard Matthews is for Turkey, but he's trying to make a name for himself and push Gordy off his perch. But it's badly backfiring because most Labour MPs are looking at him and cringing at what he is saying. He is so bellicose that some MPs are wondering if that guy is still living in the 19th century of the British Empire and the Raj!

  2. Because like his predecessor during the Iraq invasion Jack Straw, he's a Zionist , pushing a Zionist supremacist agenda which includes stoking up world war three.


  3. he's typical nu-labour.

    an idiot little rich boy who's no use in the real world so he gets into politics.

    AND he sucks his milk from tony blair's nipples.

    "oooh, it time for me to play with the country yet ?"

  4. Firstly, he’s trying to make a name for himself. The big peacekeeper. But this is a front. Because we all know what happens to a flagging Government when they involve the country in a successful conflict. Everybody forgets their failings and votes them back in.  

  5. he is getting away with doing what he is doing because amazingly!! the people aren't out on the streets marching to stop the idiot. the labour party are war mongers. they cant wait to get us into a large serious conflict. i suppose the slaughter of five hundred thousand innocent Iraqi men women and little children isn't enough for the murdering b@srards. i cannot believe they are still in power. the people of Britain must be brain dead.

  6. I'd rather the big decisions were left to the british foreign secretary than to that french pillock. Loose cannon, maybe, but the russians need telling straight.  

  7. There is a lot of truth in what the questioner say in more ways than one!Gordon Brown as a political leader let alone Prime Minister of Great Britain has lost effective control of the Labour Party or to put it another way; He is in terminal decline.

    Miliband knows  that if Gordon Brown sacked him;There would be a leadership contest within 24hours and he Gordon Brown would lose.

    So Brown must stand there and take it!We all know what is happening!It is the opening shots for the leadership of the Labour Party!

  8. I back the Russians...the west didn't give a c**p about what Serbia or Russia had to say when they declared Cosovo independent. Now the shoe is on the other foot...the Russians are the bad guys....well I say the Russians should move out of Georgia, international peace keepers should go into both the disputed areas, and then there should be referendums so the people can decide their own futures. Just some common sense and a lot less hypocrisy could sort it out.  

  9. Excellent question, one that deserves an excellent answer, in the meantime this will have to do until one comes along...

    1) Brown is Pro Europe, in fact he's pro "Petro-Euro", and this is illustrated by the media's concerns over Britians special relationship with the USA when Brown took over from pro "Petro-Dollar" Blair.  Also Brown was very quiet when asked questions over the Georgian issue back in April.

    2) Milliband wants Browns Job, he saw Cameron flying to Tblisi acting all statesmanlike and up the USA's ar$£ and probably thought "oh, the beggars stole a march on me".  By doing what he's doing he puts more pressure on Brown to "come out" and tell the rest of us what he really thinks

    Who's the more popular choice to British Joe Public: a pro-European or a pro-Special Relationship?

    So as you can see Milliband is basically saying to Joe Public: I'll do what you want me to do, not necessarily what I believe is right.  Whereas Brown knows what he believes but is frightened to admit it because it won't be popular.

  10. Because labour are in free fall and Gordon,s gang need some good press. They think that armageddon will supply it!

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