
Why is the mainstream media sending Obama groupies (Couric, Gibson, Williams) overseas to cover Obamas' trip ?

by  |  earlier

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When McCain went, they barely reported it nevermind went with him.




  1. Because like it or not, unlike McCain, Obama is genuinely popular with a huge number of Americans. More popularity equals more press coverage, the press is under zero obligation to be impartial in their coverage (as long as they don't report on things that might embarrass their corporate masters of course.)

  2. Because Obama is a racist and Everyone knows it.

  3. They are part of the Obama bandwagon. His cheering section.

  4. The whole election is a big, silly show.

  5.'re right.

    It's purely to show what a wonderful guy he is, how people swoon over him.

    McCain....well they don't support John McCain.

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