
Why is the majority of Americans asleep while...?

by Guest33082  |  earlier

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tyrants are running a muck? They've devalued our dollar, they've put AIDS and mercury in our vaccines, they've lowered the acceptable IQ of military men to 75 (retarded is 70), they put poisonous chemicals in our water and food, they are trying to remove our 1st and 2nd Amendments through gun control and corrupt police...the list goes on and on. Please dont take my word for's all documented and proven facts! Do some research and then tell me I am wrong.




  1. The dollar was devalued because of it's relationship with the Euro and Yen-it's all relative. Sadly, America is no longer the sole economic power house, and must compete with the likes of China, Germany and Japan.

    Nobody ever got AIDS from a vaccine, and mercury is put in them as a stabilizing agent, not a paranoid plot to poison Americans.  The lowered IQ of 75 is STILL not retarded.  Why should the "dull average" not be able to serve their country?  The "dull average" make just as good cannon fodder as those slices of All-America that come home in flag draped boxes from yet another pointless little war.  What do you think they used in the Viet Nam war?  The dull average, so people like Geo. W. wouldn't get close go combat.

    Poisonous chemicals in our food and water....this is new? DDT has been outlawed for a long time now, hasn't it.

    This country doesn't need gun control?  Ask anybody at Virginia Tech about gun control.  Ask the Amish School House victims if we need gun control.

    Your documentation and proven facts are very suspect. In fact, you are wrong.  There, I did what you asked: I told you you are wrong.

    Everything is relative.  A glass is half empty in the desert, half full in a rain forest.

    *Edit 1*

    Why NOW is the murder or innocent women and children suddenly unbearable, Civic Participation?  What about the innocent women and children of Dresden and My Lai?  War is never pretty,  It tragically appears to be an inevitable fact of life as America de-evolves from her once exulted state.  It's not that we're war mongers, other nations that are go after us and place us in uncompromising positions..  They have to be corrected with inevitable body counts.  Nobody walks around proud of this,.

    You do sound a little paranoid.  You're too pissed off to think clearly.

    I call myself "Old School Dude 54" because I lived throught the event that forever changed America: Viet-Nam.  Only I was lucky.  I  heard about Khamran Bay on the television, just like we here about Basra today.

  2. You may have been affected by the poisonous chemicals in the water, because you sound a little paranoid. You should see a mental health physician. But do your research first, because it might be one of THEM. And they might try and control your brain. Watch out -- they're out there and they're coming to get you -- they're coming to get all of us.

  3. Wow, a site called Prisonplanet.  Yeah, what could be biased there?

    Believe me, I'm not taking your word for it.

    Tinfoil hat making, Aisle 6!!

  4. Two nuts with guns does not make gun control a good idea.

    It is illegal to shoot people, but it happens. Make guns illegal, and only criminals will possess guns. That's safe, huh ?

    The sheeple of this country do not want to face the fact that the NWO globalists actually exist. They would rather keep up with American Idol and football, because those things are what is really important.

    Be prepared for all of the "tin-foil hat" remarks. The people that make these cracks think that they are funny and original, and do not realize how sad they are. When the S**t hits the fan, I will say I told you so. Why not ? You try to help people, and they treat you as if you are a leper.


  5. Ok I believe you. Now what? Can I go back to sleep?

  6. While I agree the people running the country aren't doing very well, I don't buy the notion that AIDS is being put into vaccines.  Come on, there'd be an AIDS epidemic if they were doing that.  It only takes 6 months to find out you have HIV, so it wouldn't take long for that to become apparent if that was indeed happening.

    Also, do you have a more credible source (ie. a .mil website) that says anything about the required IQ to join the military?

    If you are concerned about what's in our food, blame farmers.  Much of the chemicals in our water are from nearby farms and power plants.  As for food, e. coli comes from manure, do you have a better safer proposal for fertilization of food?  Also, if Integrated Pesticide Management was more widespread, there'd be less of a concern about food and water safety (and a better result for the environment).

    I'm not sure how gun control and corrupt police have anything to do with the First amendment.

    I think you need to research websites (and Journals) that aren't conspiracy theory websites.  You seem rather gullible.

  7. Where do you get your "proven facts"?  

    >There is no IQ test for the military, so there is no "acceptable" limit; the only required test is the ASVAB, which ranges up to a score of 98.

    >There is only one way to repeal a Constitutional amendment, read Article V.

    > AIDS is the disease caused by the HIV virus, therefore the

    virus would be injected, not the disease.

  8. Thank you for enlighten me.

    Now i will go back to sleep

  9. Actually, the 2nd Amendment is doing fine -- but then, it's only ever applied to federal gun control, not state regulation.

    As for the rest -- those are some examples -- the 4th, 5th, 6th and 8th Amendments are being shown the door -- Article IV has been stripped -- and we have a partisan deadlock in the US that causes people to spend most of their time attacking each other rather than trying to solve problems.

    We turned the career politicians into career criminals by never holding them accountable -- and then turned a blind eye to go back to watching internet TV.

    The answer to your question is that people don't want to put the effort into solving the problems -- so they either retreat into apathy -- or spend their time in partisan attacks.

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