
Why is the mccain campain calling obabma a celebrity?

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its ppl focusing on his race and this name his making cameras follow him everywhere he goes...but what do you think




  1. I think he's picking on younger men, aka Obama. (lol)   Plus i think McCain is intimidated by him.

  2. McCain is bloody peeved that Obama is warranting so much attention, even abroad. I think the entire world outside of the U.S. knows the score in America and has long since seen the writing on the wall- the Americans themselves are the only ones who cannot see it.

  3. Because he is a super Celebrity.

  4. Because he is loved, and mccain is not. I don't mean to offend republicans, but it is my girlfriend's opinion.

  5. B/c it's trying to say how much people idolize him when he shouldn't be, no matter how good or bad he is. McCain's point is that Obama is focusing more on the fact that he's a black presidential candidate, not just a presidential candidate. But, of course, many people will disagree with McCain.

  6. the reason that they're doing this is because Obama has been traveling the world...making himself more familiar with world leaders and he's being liked by many people around the world but McCain is jealous that he is behind and so because of that he wanted to compare him to Paris Hilton and Brittney Spears so that the American public will think that Obama is not serious about the presidency but rather in making himself popular.  

  7. Because he's a donut.

  8. I think he is jealous and feels irrevelant.

  9. Because they can't find anything else to rag about. Being a celebrity got Arnold the job in California. It ain't a bad thing :)

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