
Why is the media afraid of Obama?

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I've been wondering about this for a while.Back when they had the image of Obama in a robe and turban,you couldn't find that image on yahoo or google it.I mean I tried for a week and nothing,then Satuday night live made fun of the way Obama is coddled by the media and it's released.Come on, Rachel Ray wears a scarf for a Dunkin Donuts ad and the scarf is linked to the scarves worn by terrorist,so she is dropped .I mean what the h**l is wrong with that.Even comedians are afraid to make fun of him.What's up with that?




  1.   Your right about the comedians, such as Leno, Kimmel, etc., they have all avoided humor at Obamas expense. The only one was the host of the Daly Show, who made 2 jokes about Obama, both seemed to make the audience "nervous" and the hist actually chided the audience, like "AW come can laugh...".

       The news media issue is totally different, since 85% of the stations, newspapers, magazines and wire services are owned by only a few companies.  Their support of Obama is exactly what the public gets. Unfair and biased journalism.

  2. it is Osama not Obama

  3. This is the deal, in a country where we all love to say that we support every race, gender, and sexual orientation.  The truth of the matter is that we dont.  And the media is no stranger nor ignorant of this fact.  They know just as well as any one of us that a racial attack on the first black presidential nominee would result in a huge backlash for them.  The problem with it is that they are not doing because they think its wrong to do so but because of the backlash.  It is still not perceived wrong by some media and for some of the public for that matter, to ridicule someone because of their gender, race, or sexual orientation.  Should people be picking on McCain because he is old? no.  Should people make fun of Obama because of his name? no.  But it is still being done because that is how a country that speaks freedom for all looks under the surface. And most of us are products of that.  Are they afraid? hardly they are just waiting till the public says its ok to attack him on such grounds then the gloves come off.  

  4. Obama is a Muslim who won't acknowledge the American flag.  It's spelled out for you people, but many Dems apparently just have their head up their A$$!!!  That's the only way you can explain it!!!

  5. They have never felt so . . . orgasmic

  6. By saying that Obama isn't criticized by the media, it only shows that you are not reading any news at all. C'mon where had you been?. I had seen many news critical of Obama, from lapel pins to allegations that his wife had "never been proud of America all her life", Jeremiah Wright and Rezko issues, etc... Don't ever say that you haven't read any of these.

  7. because they know he is the only chance of hope this country has left. We wouldn't survive another 4 years of McBush.  

  8. Rachel Ray now theres a VP


    They are not afraid of him!

    They are afraid of the back lash it will cause from all the viewers. The media loves who ever those vapid shallow celebs love, and that just happens to be another empty person..obama.

    He is the favorite in the medias eyes right now because he is favored by all the idiots watching their idiot boxes and the celebs so bashing him would mean angry idiots and low ratings. Havent you noticed that there are few celeb McCain supporters? Its not due to the fact that there are none, but the fact that in hollywood right now supporting McCain is like BlackBalling yourself. There are only a few that are willing to against the public norms, and not too many are in a rush to do it either.

  10. You must be kidding. The man can't take a breath without being criticized.

    Fukcing lapel pins, anyone?  

  11. They don't want to be called racist

  12. The media pushed the conservatives away so they don't want to scare their remaining audience away.  Just watch that MSN fight.  There was a film or picture of a major news room going nuts (as in party like those in Animal House) when Obama was clearly going to be the winner.

  13. Well, I don't know about the media, but McCain is so much more fun to mock.

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