
Why is the media and people and the critics only keeping an eye on MMA?

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These 'people' are giving mma a bad name. They call it 'human cockfighting' or a barbaric sport. And most want it banned. WHY??

They look at MMA violent (im guessing) becasue of the knees, elbows, and kicks. Im tired of people giving this sport a bad name. Its just another regular competitive sport. What do you think? Does mma really look that painful, barbaric, violent, to you?

Im a big mma fan and was just wondering why are they only after mma?




  1. It's society as a whole that does that.  And that's the media's job.

    You will have some that are for it, and some against it.  That's the world we live in.  That's also what makes it great.

    For example, if I were a reporter and commenting on a knitting contest, I probably wouldn't have many good things to say :)

    They only see the bad in it because they are biased.  So I ignore them.

  2. Its like anything, one day alcohol was ileagal now no one cares, its going to be the same with weed and the same with MMA, atm MMA is still small compared to boxing but as its gets more popular and as time goes on people will find something else to bark about

  3. There is still some of that going on, but it isn't nearly as bad now as it was like 10 years ago. I haven't seen a whole lot of bashing recently, I guess the last real bashing I have seen was a big to do about kids being involved and whether or not little Johnny's parents should be punished for putting him in BJJ or MMA or what have you.

    People are people and some are just going to complain no matter what. We still haven't had any serious injuries in MMA an that should be enough. If people want to whine and complain and throw stones let them. I just do my best to ignore them.

  4. I'm a member of the "meida" but only a small town newspaper editor in Iowa.  I've been a big fan of MMA since UFC first started. I'm not a huge fan of it now because it's no longer art against art like it first started.  But onto the issue, a lot of media people have problems with it because they are going with old stereo-types.  A lot of sports writers skip over MMA fighters because they think they will not get a good interview out of them.   But if you think about it, the media doesn't really want MMA banned simply they want to get people fired up about it to get protest, politics talking about it and create controversy. That controversy creates more news and leads to more stories which sells more papers.  If it gets banned then protest about how it should be reinstated and if it is kept protesters outside an area is a good photo. The old school thought in journalism is that "if it bleeds it leads."  Also when UFC first started to hit the main media, a MMA fighter was killed during a bout which added to the stigma.  

  5. let them say what they want, if they remember how barbaric boxing was back in the 20s, they wouldn't be saying that much c**p. The MMA just needs time and observation so that the rules become sophisticated like they did with boxing.

    Watch this vid of Jack Dempsey vs Jess Willard, if an MMA fighter like Jess Willard got soo fcuked up after a fight like this one, they would have banned the UFC. But they didn't back then in the 20s, did they?

    Remember, this was the worse beating any champion took of the century, read the description

  6. There have been articles in many recent MMA magazines about this issue.. That the media is always nagging on how violent MMA is, but there is a research that shows MMA is actually pretty safe at least compared to many other sports..

    They've compared it to American football (which I love also) & there are a  lot more injuries there, even so in soccer, basketball, & other sports which aren't violent at all.

    There was also something that compared it to boxing, & it pointed out how much more brutal boxing is than MMA.  MMA just looks dangerous because liek you said the knees, eblows, slams, etc.. but boxing is d**n 12 rounds taking blows to the head, 8 oz of padding isn't much protecting, after taking that many blows.  so don't worry too much about this :)

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