
Why is the media being so harsh on Russia when Georgia provoked the War?

by Guest64629  |  earlier

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The moronic Georgian government should have used their heads before listening to the US and Israel and seizing Russian land. I believe that Russia's attack was completely justified. The hypocritical Bush administration labeled Russia's attack on Georgiaas "disproportianate". I remember this same idiot saying that "Israel has the right to defend herself" during it's brutal invasion on Lebanon when two of it's soilders were kidnapped in 2006. Why can't Russia defend her land against the Georgians?




  1. So what. Some citizens in Ossetia have Russian Passports. That still doesn't give Russia the right to cross the border and start murdering 1000s of civilians. The Russians are using old-KGB-style communist tactics to seize their land (and the oil pipeline). The Russians are the "terrorists" in this respect.

    Bush is right. The Russians should be dealt with harshly. Major embargoes, expelled diplomats, foreign assets seized etc.

    The Russians have caused enough killing and damage during the last 100 years with their warped communist aggression, and murderous invasions.

  2. because the American media is controlled by the government, people are brainwashed to an unbelievable extent. It truly saddens me how few people in the US seek alternative view points to the issue and just gobble up the FOX News propaganda...

  3. Western media have also claimed that Russia would be heading for the oil pipeline as an ulterior motive.  Not true.  Putin says 'Job done!'.

    Russia Today is the only TV news channel to show how things are in the refugee camps.  No other channel has covered that.  Why?

    Also 95% of South Ossetians have Russian passports.

  4. Russian land?!!  Get real it is Georgian land and even Russia recognizes that!!

    Russia had troops massed on the border and attacked Georgia rather than defending Ossetia!

    But it is Russia that has been hurt the most by this!!  It declared there would be no ceasefire but were then forced to stop by world opinion.

    It has increased it's isolation and the distrust in it and in effect belittled itself in the eyes of the world!!!

  5. Because when U.S. invaded Iraq with overwhelming military hardware it was not "disproportionate" use of power, it was wise military tactic to ensure a win, but when others use the same military tactics it is DISPROPORTIONATE use of power...ha-ha-ha...  

  6. Because Israel's media, as well as the mainstream Western media, are hypocrites full of hatered. And since it's hard to regard a state whose media preaches hatred as "democratic", I would say that Russia-not Israel-is the only democratic state on earth where Jews have self rule (in Birobidjan).

  7. I totally agree with you.

    This is an information war, you know. It's like - which country's media will be more convincing about what they're saying - they'll win. and it doesn't really matters that it if not true. They made people think that this is true.

    About the question... Georgian and other supporting them countries' media is trying to present everyting like if the Russin pople are horrible conquerors and things like that. I'm sick of hearing Georgian "Heeey, they want to occupy Tbilisi, Russian troops are everywhere!...". Not even one journalist saw those troops. There are no evidence, only words. Doesn't that proove that they're lying?

  8. shut up douche!

    Russia is never justified  

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