
Why is the media claiming the 08 election is a close race?

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In fact, state by state polling data shows Obama has a healthy lead in terms of electoral votes.

(I'm not interested in who you want to win, or why. I would like to hear opinions on how the media is handling the polling data.)




  1. The race is closer than you think, start by looking at trusted polls of likely voters such as the Gallup Polls.  Currently Obama has a 3 point lead.

  2. has Obama under 300 electoral votes for the first time in quite a while. It's not exactly a long drop from there to 268.

    The candidate vs. candidate poll has been a few points apart over the last couple of weeks, just outside the margin of error, I believe. Doesn't take much to swing that sort of number.

    So I think the reporting has been on target.

  3. Meh well see in November... its all biased up til then

  4. Well, I tell ya, Zargon, I think it will be close, regardless the polls.  The more confrontation abroad, the more military policy comes to mind.

  5. They're in denial.  

  6. Polls mean nothing. They are biased polls to begin with. A majority of the country, like myself, like neither candidate. Im still waiting to see the VP noms before I decide if I'm going to vote or not

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