
Why is the media so biased against Hillary? Isn't the media supposed to deliver story without the spin?

by Guest44690  |  earlier

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There are no articles of negectivity to be found on Barack Obama from any of the major medias (and don't say it's because there is nothing wrong with his campaign).




  1. Fear of being labeled racist.  I want to hear him answer when was the last time he did cocaine.

  2. Ahhh the poo-poo cah-cah rains from your mouth like little droplets of fertilizer.  That means they aren't btw.

    First the commie oh wait they changed it.. First the CLINTON NEWS NETWORK is so far up her butt they get the second taste of what she had for dinner.  Barack successfully plays that race card in a semi subtle manner that tends to keep most news outlets off his butt.  I'm not sure what media source you are using but I'm thinking it is massive reruns of Barney because you sir are CLUELESS.

  3. Media did not expose that Barack Obama gave bingo cards during the caucuses to get their votes and it is bribery.  He also claimed to be a black when in fact he is half white and half black - this is misrepresentation.  Hillary Clinton is a victim of media bias.

  4. Your thinking of Fox newsman Bill O'reilly.

  5. You are so full of something really nasty! HAHAHAHAHA

    Hillary Clinton has been given nothing, but a free pass from the press. The woman's Senate voting record proves that she would have done exactly what George Bush did in Iraq. Any high school newspaper reporter could tear her apart and our, supposed free, media has already annointed her.

    And don't get me started on the fact that her big issue was universal healthcare, but she spent 6 years in the Senate without a single healthcare legislature proposal.

    Please! You are so full of it! I have to laugh. LOL

  6. There is alot wrong with both campaigns and there is not much media bias until you get to the GOP camp.

    THERE's SUPER BIAS EVERY WHERE it get rid of Bush!

  7. Who says that the media doesn't spin?  Even O'Reilly on Fox spins like a spider even though he is in the NO SPIN zone.  Most of the people on TV and radio do not have much to say about Obama because they fear the black vengeance.

  8. Men cannot do wrong...

  9. Are you going to cry now?


  10. If you really want to know, I'll tell you. But don't yell at me because this is the unadulterated truth. It is a media bias, it's been around for 40+ years. I've lived through that time, I'm 63 years old. The reason you haven't seen it is because all this time it has leaned in your direction. Clinton had been elected as Queen by the press, ahead in every way, in every paper, on every news channel and was reported as such every day. The only thing missing was the coronation. But that was to come in Jan of '09.

    Then along Obama. Young, smart, articulate. charismatic, good public speaker and reasonably good looking. People began to notice him, so did the press. It wasn't long until Clinton was taking a back seat to him and besides, it would be a great thing to elect our 1st black President. It would make history, so why not? Now the press is treating her the same way us conservatives have been treated for nearly 45 years. There you have it, end of story.

  11. Most of the media is in the control of men, and those men do not like a woman who is strong and determined. Then there is a rather large group of women who don't like successful women because they feel threatened by them.  Why? Because they might be expected to get off their pampered butts and pull their own weight.

    Remember, too, that Murdoch's media empire controls huge swathes of the media output.  That right wing republican hates the likes of Hillary.

  12. Well, I have seen and heard the media view Hilary positively and negatively... the same goes for Barack. I think you here a lot less negativity about Obama because he's a poster child. He's better looking. It sucks that the media is beginning to pay more attention to whether people just LIKE the candidates. People don't like Hilary because some of the qualities she has. She is powerful and assertive. When a man has those qualities, it's "good, he's powerful, good leader, blah blah blah" However, when a woman has those qualities she's suddenly a b*tch. People dont like that. It's sad. Yes, the media should deliver the story without the spin.

  13. I don't see that

  14. it is to create the appearance of hillary being on the left and keep us in balance and contented believing the elections were real

    she has been picked by our rulers to win,,,

  15. Funny how the liberals feel when the shoe is on their candidates' other foot!

    Conservatives have been asking that question for years!

  16. I think that you should watch any TV station and watch the bias. It is spin city on all of the networks, and you are actually realizing just a small portion of it. Ask someone who is in or has served in the military if they saw anything positive in Iraq. They will be able to tell you of positive things. What does the news media tell you?

    The news media is very biased, but to push only their agenda. Hillary used to be the queen on all of the stations. They realize the danger that they are in if she wins, and they are afraid of her now. When she and her staffers threaten a reporter about what questions they can and can't ask her, she shows her willingness to censor them and to try to remove their indiviual as well as corporate rights with regard to the 1st Amendment. She will be a tyrant, and they have finally figured that out.

    When looking at a politician from any party, you need to listen to what they say, as well as watch what they do. Many of them say one thing and then do something totally different. Our political system has become corrupt in both parties, and trust shouldn't be given away easily.

  17. Why not?

    With the Amazon woman?

    Have to corner her in the ring.

    See she can survive in the real world among the weakling Amazon men.

    If not everyone come back after her.

    Calling "Mummmy ! Mummy !  the ladies getting me putting on  mini skirt"

    What do you think?

  18. have you ever watched CNN?

    Their bias for Hillary is sickening

  19. dude, don't pull a Chris Crocker...before the process even started it was the media that began spewing rumors about him being Muslim...I've scarecly encountered any coverage criticizing Hillary. I knew in the back of my mind you were a Hillary fan.

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