
Why is the messages posted by members of my yahoogroups disappear after few days?

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Why is the messages posted by members of my yahoogroups disappear after few days?




  1. on the groups homepage? a few things, only 5 or so post to the front page, to locate the rest you need to click the message tab on the right of the group-

    or members are deleting their posts

  2. Disappear from where?

    If you mean from the Group's home page, only the most recent five list there.  To see older messages, click on the Messages link on the left-hand side of the page (you may need to log in first).

    If you mean from the page you first get to when you click on the Messages link on the left-hand side of your Group's web page, only the most recent 30 list on that page.  To see older messages, click the Older link near the upper-right-hand corner of the list of the most recent 30 messages.

    If you mean from the whole archives (i.e. you can't see them no matter how many times you click that Older link), then either the Group owner/moderator or the person who posted the message are deleting them for some reason.

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