
Why is the moon red right now?

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It's 12:23 and I love on the West Coast by San Francisco. Can someone tell me why the moon is red. It's kind of light reddish.




  1. Noticed before an earthquake May be the symptom for earthquakes.Read this changes.

    Earthquake precursor phenomena in the sky and atmosphere.


    Phenomena in the sky Preseismic (time) Coseismic

    Earthquake light (EQL) A day or a few hours Flash and arc just before

    Earthquake fog (EQF) A few hours or just before Sudden dense fog

    Earthquake cloud (EQC) A few days, 8 days A dragon cloud appears

    Yellow sky A day Becomes dark

    Short rainbows A few days …

    Haloed sun A day to a few hours …

    Elongated or red moon A day …

    Stars appear close A day

  2. it could be lunar eclipse on that place.

  3. i actually have no idea but some people say it's of global warming that the ozone layer is faltering and it's affecting every in the space and the spaces between spaces(interdimensional)i don't think so because the moon has been red along time before global warming was major..

  4. The reason for the orange color is due to the scattering of light by the atmosphere. When the moon is near the horizon, the moonlight has to pass through much more atmosphere than when the moon is directly overhead. By the time the moonlight reaches your eyes, most of the shorter waves (green, blue, violet) of visible light have been scattered away by air molecules. You only see the longer wavelength of yellow, orange, or red.

    Sometimes the moon appears orange even when it's directly overhead. This occurs when there's a lot of dust, smoke, or pollution in the atmosphere. The size of those particles will determine the type of color you will see. Sometimes the moon will look red, orange, even blue.

    It seems like the moon appears in certain colors during certain times of the year. For instance, the Harvest moon during the fall appears very large and orange. There are two reasons for this: the moon's path across the sky, and the climate of earth. During certain times of the year, the moon will rise and set at different angles. Sometimes the moon stays really low in the sky and never reaches an overhead position. The earth's atmosphere also goes through certain changes at certain times of the year. In some months, the atmosphere has more dust particles than usual; in other months, the atmosphere contains a lot more cloud particles than usual. Extra particles in the atmosphere mean more scattering of light.

    Pollution in the atmosphere can cause the same distortion of color. If you live in Los Angeles (which has a lot of pollution), for example, the moon will constantly appear in color. If the pollution is really thick, you might not be able to see the moon at all!

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