
Why is the most important news blacked out from Americans?Is Pres. Bush. quietly preparing to attack Iran?

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Below is a partial article which is posted in another forum by a good friend/contact :

"The most important news for the month of August was the fact that President Bush has quietly sent the largest armada into the Persian Gulf since the Iraq war began in 2003, when there were six carrier groups. This is a huge number of ships to be concentrated in one location in peacetime.

This story has been completely ignored by the news media all over the West. The only coverage is from special-interest websites. It was only on Saturday morning, August 23, that I learned what was going on.

I spent most of Saturday in an attempt to verify the basic story. Some of this story is easily verifiable. Other parts of it are circumstantial, but nevertheless compelling. I posted the story on my site late in the afternoon."

You can read the details in the posted links below:

"Here is the basic story. Two aircraft carrier task forces, the Abraham Lincoln and the Peleliu, are already in the Persian Gulf. This is verifiable on the Websites of the carriers. A third task force, the Iwo Jima, was dispatched to the Gulf on August 22. This has been verified by a naval source. Two more – the Theodore Roosevelt and the Ronald Reagan – are said to be sailing to the Gulf, but I was unable to verify this from official sources. The Jerusalem Post reported this, as did at least one Egyptian newspaper cited by the Post. The Arab world is aware of all this. Western audiences are not."





  1. I am confidant that American tax payers would not allow for such madness not again the reports would be news to me ,western news medias has been saying NOTHING about Israel that's why I posted a few Question cause I do think something is up and now your info tells me its WORSE than even I thought It may even affect the election precess here in January as I think december is the GO DATE for NEO CON/Israel strike on Iran. good day F.P

  2. Actually, this wasn't completely unreported.  I read about it back when the King of Saudi Arabia hosted a summit where he pointed out to the Iranian President that those ships "were not there on vacation."  I tend to think part of this is nerves at the incident between the Brits and the Iranians.  Now I do believe that corporate America has no interest in headlining the story, but overall this is just a case of our weakness in reporting on overseas events.

  3. The corporations who own the media also profit from war, they also like to keep Americans completely unaware of the rest of the world.

    An Attack on Iran has been predicted for several months but has yet to materialise, and it is not clear whether it would have the desired effect of Increasing McSame's election chances.

  4. If thats true, yes he should keep it quiet, I mean go broadcast, hey we gonna get you.  And why do u need to know the minute by minute of what our president is considering, are you gonna run out and sign up, or just sit in front of your pc and gripe.  Give it a break.

  5. Let's review.........

    * Iran has threatend a terrorist war against the US

    * Iran has threatend take control of the Straight of Hormuz

    * Iran has threatend to block all shipments in and out of the Persian Gulf

    * Iran has insisted that Israel be wiped off the map

    * Iran has taken US hostages

    * Iran supports and funds Hezbollah terrorists in Lebanon

    * Iran trains and supports Iraq insurgents on how to place roadside bombs

    * Iran is developing nuclear weapons.

    Could any ONE of these reasons be why we are sending carrier tasks forces to the Persian Gulf?  

    As far as why the media isn't covering this major news story?   Maybe it has something to do with "Barrack Obama making history as the first black man to win the nomination of a major politcal party in the United States." (as if Bush has anything to do with that)

  6. Because the DNC is big news. Sleight of hand is the classic Bush administration trick. While all eyes are on the DNC they're up to no good out of the public eye.

    Media's not going to report on it because they're too afraid to be called the "liberal media"

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