
Why is the most interesting story of the week...?

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garnering scant interest?

A man flew most of the way across the alps with a jet pack.

Yet some talentless bimbo from American idol gets more press.

Why do Americans have such a deficit of interest in historical events? Is it because he was swiss, so the achievement doesn't count?




  1. no its because people are d**n stooopid and they prefer to know about stoopid gossip and silly internet videos like "What what, in the butt? What what, in the butt? ABORT! ABORT! "

  2. now that is funny.... personally I dont watch American Idol.. I find it boring..

    ( I do watch Lost and

    but not Idol.. I did enjoy the other Rockstar shows.. INXS and Super Nova.. the talent made American Idol look silly...

    Americans have been raised to glamorize things.. to worship the superficial... to worship celebrity..

    real achivement means little.. this is why other nations are passing us...

    for me the most interesting story.. even though its 2 weeks old.. is Eight Bells..the poor filly who died in the Kentucky Derby

    I wrote this as an educational (NOT protest) peice about horse racing in general

  3. Non Proliferation Agreement On Cars or propsal for such could be good news as well.  Citizens could sign such a one now and get more worthy news like Gas Prices non issue cause use of gas banned. Govs of world sign too.

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