
Why is the nation blinded by propaganda?

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why does the government try to make this sad sorry sick and infested world look nice wonderful bautiful and healthy with their lies and disbeliefs?????




  1. Oppressing people is the government's job. That's why it needs to stay small.

  2. Let me guess, you're one of those "the glass is half empty" types?


  3. Because the best slave is one who thinks he is free.

    So the govt and the corporations blind the people or in other words "brainwash" the people with their media propaganda so that people won't see the real truth of how we are losing our freedoms and how bad the economy really is.

    Take a look in the supermarkets and see how small the boxes of cereal are now.  the newest ones to come out are between 9 and 12 ounces and cost what the 16 to 20 ounces boxes used to cost.  Yet people don't realize this because they continue to believe the govt and media propaganda that there is no inflation and that prices are not really going up.

    Also there is another reason  why the nation is blinded by propaganda.

    There is an old saying by Josef stalin former dictator of the Soviet Union from the 1930's till the mid 1950's.

    He said:  "If you repeat a lie often enough it becomes truth."

    That is why most people are blinded by propaganda.

  4. Its' actually not that bad once you get beyond the politics of desire.

  5. America has had it so good for so long, they don't think anything can happen to them. It's not there fault though, they are up against the biggest god d**n propaganda machine the world has ever seen. Turn your TV's off now people, you are slaves to what they want you to believe.

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