
Why is the news in this country such low quality?

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With Tim Russert gone, it's just going to get worse. How is it that so many issues go uncovered, or are only given bare, surface analysis? I got the idea for this question after reading this:




  1. The quality of news in the US has been bad for years, but has gotten really bad within the last five.  The American Media has lost respectability in the world and has degenerated into sensationalism and sound-bites.  But the celebrity-crazed society wants this.  All the news has been turned into entertainment:  politics; news panels are like Jerry Springer shows; controversial speakers like Ann Coulter, who is someone who wouldn't get airtime in any other country; even disaster stories have the reporters standing waist-deep in water.    It is sad.  People are vilified and misquoted out of context, like Ahmedinejad (who might be a kook all right, but the media out and out lies about him).    None of this will change anytime soon because the people seem to like it.  If you want real news you have to choose your source better.

  2. "

  3. I think the news is of low quality because much of what is presented as news is whatever someone called or e-mailed the reporter about.  Too few reporters go out looking for news.  Instead, they just take what comes to them.  A lot of what passes for news is just gossip.  Party A said this, party B said that, and party C said something else.  The reporters just tells us who said what without checking to see what the facts actually are.

  4. Big Media has an election to win for its candidate: Asama.  They lost the big woman; therefore, have turned their resources to the other politic an who can help us to try to become civilized like the liberal party leaders.  Mr. Murdoch has also issued a support note for Asama!  I hope you people get the president of your choice.  It is tiresome listening to the hard working government employees complain about their oppressive employment conditions!

  5. Here's part of the problem:

    News is a competitive industry and most news outfits make their money through advertising.  To make money through advertising, you need to reach as many people as possible.  That means you aim for the lowest common denominator--the bottom of the food chain--the biggest idiots.

    In other words, they want the news to be understandable for the drunken, drooling crackhead, masturbating on his couch and crapping in his pants.

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