
Why is the news media pushing for OBama so hard, Is it re-verse discrimation.Or are they all left winger's.?

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The dayton daily news,a cox chain newspaper in ohio appears to be a billboard for him. Abc Cbs,Nbc & cnn. all pushes him along.




  1. (1) let's get serious this show the lack of judgment on McCain part.(2)Palin is no Hillary  Clinton she only been a Governor for 2 years and we are talking about Alaska where the wild life out number the peoples 20 to 1.(3)  i would not feel comfortable having Palin running this  country in a case where  something happening to McCain  .3) Palin is under a  ethic investigation  .4) We know that Biden is ready to lead on day one if something ever happen to Obama. I personally think McCain just handed the presidency to OBAMA.

  2. Well, I don't know about Ohio, but in L.A. and O.C. you couldn't get a liberal POV into print if you ran the printpress yourself!  

    My guess is no one wants to admit to it but everyone is thinking it; they don't want it to turn into a matter of race.  

    No one likes to think that they are racist.  

    It is just a typical case of overcompensation if you ask me.

  3. Because the Bilderbergs chose Obama as their President so the news media outlets are following orders.

  4. Apparently you haven't been listening much to AM radio or you would know about all the nonsensical, ignorant, biased c**p that media source has been dishing out about Obama from the beginning. Your media exposure is apparently very limited.

  5. Because CNN, MSNBC,CBS and ABC are and always have been extremely left wing, and supported by the hollywood elitists. Their bias is so pathetic that prior to Fox, Americans use to have to "read between the lines" to get to the truth. Now just turn to Fox. Finally, a fair and balanced network. And a network that is crushing all the others in ratings....

  6. If you havent noticed, all news stations are liberal besides Fox News which is fair and balanced.  They give both liberal and conservative points of views, must be why they have the highest ratings and destroy all other major networks ratings.

  7. Yeah, you are sooooo right. All I see is Fox Noise in the tank for Obama...  

    Stop complaining because your candidate and party are headed for a long winter's nap.  I can't believe the guy picked his granddaughter with 18 months of experience.  And all this after his whole argument against Obama was experience.  What a flip flopper.

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