
Why is the news media working so hard to dig up dirt on Palin, but not lifting a finger on Obama's background?

by Guest57953  |  earlier

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For all of you who think the media, outside of talk radio and conservative blogs, have done their digging on Obama. Can you tell me what he did as a community organizer? What kind of cases he worked on as a lawyer? How much do you know about his career as an Illinois State Senator?

I sure as h**l have seen no investigative reporting by the "objective" news media on what Obama was up to all those years.




  1. You must be watching msnbc. Watch Fox Then you will see the truth.

  2. Are you kidding, Obama has been through the ringer for Two years now.

  3. they've already done this to Obama and his friends, associates and family members. Turn about is fair play. when they opened Pandora's Box they never dreamed it would be used against them.

  4. My guess is that when they try the shotgun wedding route Levi Johnson is going to spill the beans and admit that Bristol is NOT currently pregnant but he IS the father of Trigg (Assuming he does not get disappeared)

    I would bet that they fabricated the story about Bristol being pregnant for the gullable to believe she wasnt pregnant with Trig.... also my belief is that Bristol is mysteriously going to have a "miscarriage" OR deliver a premie which is a sign of getting pregnant right after delivering a baby

    Sarah Palin gets FAT when pregnant - video

    "party girl" Bristol Palin photo

    fully vetted 1/2 dressed

    Isn't it ODD there is No Trigg - No Sarah - No Bristol listed at the hospitals website announcing births?

  5. Because the news media is a liberal bias source for information.

  6. We hate the power and will overthrow the ruling elite by any means necessary. Obama 08!  

  7. So did you just get a TV today, the internet, newspaper?

    Get with it.  They have been digging up dirt on Obama since day 1.

  8. Agreed.  MSNBC is going into overdrive with help from the DailyKos and, the same organizations that protected Obama's background and even got an ABC producer arrested for trying to investigate who was behind Obama's fundraising for the DNC in Denver.  The same folks who are trying to intimidate the National Review from performing an investigation into Obama's ties to Ayers, that they may go deeper than we had initially suspected.

  9. They spent an hour last weekend on CNN talking about how great the war hero was and how questionable Obama was.  Face it, sport, your vp candidate doesn't pass the candle test.

  10. Cause what has Obama Done to recieve it? If you read up on Palin you'll learn something, and if you read up on Obama, the worst thing he has done was Cocain, Marijuana and alcohol. Thats all..  

  11. Yes, and then, all they can do is emphasize personal issues.

  12. Wake up from under a rock?  Or you didn't see Hillary vs Obama that drove the attention of this entire election.  

    Then comes no name Palin who McCain made a gut pick out of fear of losing.

    The Republicans have flopped. TRHBO

  13. Would you like them to report about Rev. Wright again?  Obama has already been vetted by the American People.  We don't know Palin, she wants to be VP so EVERYTHING is fair game.  Bring it on....

    Thanks John

    Country First

    Obama/Biden 08

  14. LOL When you nothing about the woman you have to research her. Well they researched her and all kinds of questionable things came up. Too bad McCain didn't do the same before picking her.

  15. You're totally correct.  Over the last year and a half, we haven't heard a thing about Obama being a muslim, his pastor, his s*x life, his mom, his wife, blah blah blah.

    Oh wait.  I made a typo--it's that we haven't heard ANYTHING ELSE.

  16. What cave have you been in for the past year?  Palin is new, and we knew nothing about her, so the media is workin' on it.

  17. Because journalistic integrity is a thing of the past.  They have complete control over people who refuse to think for themselves and do their research.  The liberal media runs the country thanks to these sheep.

  18. He's been vetted. Palin's new. It's a rite of passage.  


  20. I agree!  She's running for VP! Guess we need to remind them that it's Obama that's running for President, not her!  

    I haven't seen or heard of any dirt on her yet thats is so bad!  The majority of stuff is because she has a normal american family, that make mistakes just like mine or yours would.  She fight's corruption, and isn't afraid to speak up or do her job.

    Obama never had the "normal" family...his background is almost unknown.  The people he associates with are all questionable.  I haven't heard of one good thing he's done since becoming a senator.   Or EVER!  He talks so much about change, but everything he says is just the same old thing.  His followers are just in a trance and can't see it!

    If you want to know ALL the news, not just what CNN, MSNBC, HNN etc wants to talk about, watch FOX!  At least they talk about ALL the issues.  Or, watch Glen Beck...he's on HNN, but he says it the way it is.  I'm actually surprised that station keeps him on!

  21. we know nothing about her.

  22. Amusing, isn't it?  This has gone on for years.  The lefty-left liberal media just keep leading the sheep around by the nose.  Look look here...not there, over here!!  lol  sniff  sniff  sniff   Like a pack of hounds, aren't they.  There are very few reputable journalists anymore.  They are all gotcha guys now.

    Amanda S - "blew it out of proportion?"  Did you see the very graphic videos of the racist Wright and Obama's racist church?  Nothing they have or can dig up on Palin will even come close to the proof-is-in-the-pudding videos that nailed Obama's racist butt to the wall.  He even obliged the right-wing by lieing about it at first, but then was caught in that one, too.  The American people will never forget that, no matter how much the libs try to defuse it or get the attention focused elsewhere.

    The sick thing is the libs are so desperate to bring Palin down to Obama's level that they will crucify a 17-year-old girl that made a mistake and is trying to do the right thing about it.  How very sad and pathetic that makes the media look.  Even some liberal news organizations are rolling their eyes at this story.

  23. Where the h**l have you been?!?! It's been done.

  24. Because they want Obama to win.  They covered up a lot for him.  The sleazebags.  

  25. They've already done it plenty with Wright, the drugs, etc. It's Palin's turn.

    The media, on the other hand, has yet to touch on the skeleton's in McCain's closet.

    In fact, he gave away military information to the enemy to save his leg, which he injured ejecting from his plane. No torture was neceassary. It was only his fourth day of captivity.

  26. One might almost think they have a preference in this election.

  27. They've already dug up all there is to find on Obama in the last 4 years.  There wasn't much, and what they did find was minor so they blew it out of proportion (Reverend Wright, anyone?).

    Palin has not been in the spotlight, so no one knows anything about her, so there is plenty of new information on her.

  28. They have spent 19 months trying to find dirt on Obama with minimal success. They only have 2 months to find out about Palins background and she is known less that Obama.

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