
Why is the nummber 23 so popular?, of course besides jordan and beckam?

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Why is the nummber 23 so popular?, of course besides jordan and beckam?




  1. the number 23 is popular and meaningful to me because it was Lukas McDowell's jersey number in high school.  He passed away about 6 years ago and was a very special person!!  Miss him!!

  2. Who could forget Eddie Shack?

  3. Also Jim Carrey will appear in a movie called "number 23". There are 2 related videos talking about number 23:

  4. 23 is a prime number that consists of the first two prime numbers.  We have 23 sets of chromosomes.  Jim Carey has the movie "23" coming out.  Besides that I remember hearing Jordan choose 23 because it has half of his brother's jersey number of 45.  

    The correct answer for the question is because Michael Jordan wears the number.  If he wore 17, 17 would be just as popular.

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