
Why is the page load time for My Yahoo so slow?

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Page load time for My Yahoo is terrible, even when I reduce the modules and images. Does Yahoo think page load times of 15 seconds or more is good?




  1. Chances are it's in your actual computer, not the website. Try going into programs (it's different on every computer) and deleting some of your computer history/cookies. Cookies are really bad for your computer and slows everything down. (And no, I'm not making this up, they're actually called cookies...)

  2. no .

  3. It's not your computer.   It's Yahoo.   Not only is it slower but it is also *jagged* or whatever the word would be to descibe what happens when your mouse used to roll up and down quite smoothly and now it doesn't.    Yahoo has made a mess.   No one is happy.   Read all the questions and answers.   Nothing is working right.


    15 seconds??   Yours only takes 15 seconds??   You should be celebrating!!

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