
Why is the passenger seat of a car called shot gun?

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Why is the passenger seat of a car called shot gun?




  1. In the age of stage coaches/horse powered wagons, someone needed to keep an eye out for bandits while someone else drove the vehicle.  So the person beside the driver sat with a rifle or shot gun in his lap in case of old-tyme carjacking.

    TX Mom

  2. origionally the passenger of a stage coach was the holder of the shotgun while traveling, its also commonly used around my area for the same reason, the person driving through the pasture cannot shoot the gophers and drive at the same time, thus requiring a partner in the passengers seat with the 12 gauge.

  3. Because in days of the stage coach and wagons the man who wasn't driving the team had to protect it by carrying a....shotgun.

    Or rifle if you where a really good shot.

  4. All of the above are correct......................

  5. Well pard, If'in youl drive them thar mules, I'll be rid'n shot gun and keep them thar injuns from liftin our scalps.

  6. As I understand it, this term "shotgun", comes from the old west...........when the stagecoaches ran across the country.

    There was a "driver" who controlled the horses, and another man riding up front beside him, riding "shotgun", because he was in effect the "security" man on board. He had a rifle with him to ward off wild animals, robbers, Indians, and such....

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