
Why is the person w/ Mercury in Scorpio misunderstood by many?

by Guest32702  |  earlier

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Why is the person w/ Mercury in Scorpio misunderstood by many?




  1. Because the lack of  openness leads to impeachment  in their minds.Therefore you never be understood clearly...Is there a sign that you can show me that exhuming all authenticity beneath surface?I don't think so...

  2. if the sun sign is not in scorpio, such as a libra or sag sun with a mercury in scorpio, the individual will tend to come off as more cutting/intimidating (just a little more so lol)  than they really are.....they might misrepresent their strength, but this creates problems when they starting building opposition......people can balance this better with time.

  3. Ah Laro, are you feeling misunderstood?  I never really heard that before, but maybe because the mentality can be a little secretive and shrewd at times.  Mercury in Scorpio has the ability to investigate and discern the psychology behind behavior - maybe that is what is misunderstood.  

  4. Hi Laro

    Why Mercury in Scorpio makes a person with this configuration misunderstood is because, it makes the person shrewd , somewhat sarcastic . they love secrecy and will never be short of tact as they possess a mind capable of understanding mysteries, not apparent to others.

    Scorpio is also mysterious and with Mercury here, they only chose to show you what they feel like showing you which makes it harder to understand what they are fully thinking. They seem to sense what you want as an answer but will confuse you by answering what you want to hear, but not what they actually feel. Don't kid youself, Mercury here gives much concentration so do not think they are unstable or changeable. This is a fixed sign set in their opinions.

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