
Why is the phils a poor country?

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Why is the phils a poor country?







  2. @ BIGTHING: fortunately, your IQ is LOWER than that. They probably have low IQs because they didn't have access to education. Now, you who went to school and have the money to use the computer and the internet and yet you have a low IQ, that's just sad...

    Back to the question,

    Do you mean the Philippines?

    There is no single reason. It's a multi-faceted problem with roots that extend very deeply. Here are my theories:

    1. Graft and corruption corruption and red tape - this is the Filipinos' favorite scapegoat. Though very true, it is not the only problem. How can a country develop if the money that is supposed to be used for development projects go to the pockets of politicians? Even worse, projects that will genuinely help the people are blocked to cater to the vested interests of those in power. I know of many cases when someone trying to do good can't make his idea a reality due to all the red tape and government meddling.

    2. Lack of Education - there are many good schools, but you have to pay the premium which unfortunately the vast majority cannot pay. The government invests more in the military and in their political allies than in the education of the people. What do you expect from a population which is largely ignorant? From a person who did not even reach 6th grade? Do you expect him to get a good, high-paying job and/or make a significant contribution to the country? Or even to make the right decisions? I believe that improving education will greatly reduce poverty in the country.

    3. Lack of Discipline - Unfortunately, it is also the people themselves who are partly responsible to the problem. I find that Filipinos generally lack in the area of discipline. And there is some truth to the foreigners saying that many are lazy (though I hate to admit it, I've seen many examples - including myself, LOL). But of course, there are many hardworking people too. Without discipline, how can the regulations that were made for our own good be enacted? How can our work be done better and more efficiently?

    4. High Fertility Rate - It's not uncommon to see a family with 7 or more children. And the unfortunate thing is, it is usually the poorest of the poor who have big family sizes! Middle-class families usually have no more than 3 or 4. These poor parents with many children obviously cannot give their children what they need to assure them of a bright future. I attribute this high fertility rate among the poor to lack of education and the stance of the Catholic church against contraceptives (so much for the separation of Church and State).

    Those are the reasons I can think of at the moment

  3. Do you mean the Philippines?? Key-Ripes, how can you bad mouth a country when you can't even spell its name??!!  

      Unless you mean the country of Phil, just east of Bill and Bobistan. That's poor because they have eaten all their yaks.

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