
Why is the press coverage of the Presidential race so obviously biased against McCain/Palin?

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And I'm talking about Yahoo in particular!




  1. Why is Fox News so obviously biased? It goes both ways with the media. Even though I agree that most of the major media is liberal, if the media smells a story with enough interest to sell and gain attention, they will be all over it regardless of the political party.

  2. Good question.

    They sat on their hands when the 'rumors' about John Edwards began circulating, but this morning, some wench on CNN gleefully told us that "we hit the ground RUNNING when we heard the rumor about Bristol Palin!".

    Let's be honest: While the rest of us will vote on November 4th, the media has already cast their ballot and can't wait to share just how they voted.

  3. I guess it's biased, but consider this:

    The media had a love affair with Obama earlier in the year.  When criticized, they turned sharply to the other side.  My guess is that they don't want people to continue to think that their love affair with McCain is still ongoing.

    The media is only ever biased.  One day it's effusive encomium, the next it's venomous attacks.  I read and listen to the news, but try to find several sources and do my best to ignore the much for a objective media...we haven't had it for a looooong time - if ever.

  4. the media is liberal, it gets a bit ridiculous.  

  5. The press can't resist a juicy story and the McCain/Palin situation is as juicy as a bad soap opera. The media is just covering what's happening. They didn't make it happen. McCain and Palin did that all on their own so you'd have to ask them why they've given the media so much to cover.

  6. I just think its funny that McCain has been attacking Obama for MONTHS before the conventions. And now that he's being attacked he can't take the heat. Even Hilary took the pressure better than him. Maybe McCain should put on the skirt.

  7. They just report the news, the news just isn't good for McCain.  

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