
Why is the press giving Mr Obama a pass on this?

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Many think that those that fainted at the sight of Obama were paid to do so But after this was talked of it stopped and no press follow up Why?




  1. Obama has been given a TOTAL PASS, not just on "feinting" spells.  His entire life, political agenda, associations, corruption, ties to the Saudis............ALL HAVE NOT BEEN REPORTED ON.

  2. In the new survey, although 85% say they are following news stories about Palin at least somewhat closely, just five percent (5%) think reporters are trying to help her with their coverage, while 35% believe reporters are providing unbiased coverage.

    Eighty percent (80%) of Republicans say reporters are trying to hurt the GOP vice presidential nominee, and 28% of Democrats agree. Only six percent (6%) of Republicans and even fewer Democrats (4%)think the reporting is intended to help her. Most Democrats (57%) think the reporters are being unbiased, but just nine percent (9%) of Republicans concur.

    Among unaffiliated voters, 49% say reporters are trying to hurt Palin, while 32% say their coverage is unbiased. Only five percent (5%) say reporters are trying to help her

  3. The media was paid to play-up Obama. Media.hype Obama.

  4. They are in love with him and don't care about truth!

  5. I don't know. But were fainting fans at Beatles concerts a matter of national security? I didn't know it was an issue.  

  6. Because it's stupid.

  7. that's funny.  Probably just an act that was thought up by those who pretended to faint- not by party elders.

    You can disagree with his politics, but Obama is a stand-up guy.

  8. Put down the crack pipe.

  9. Being paid to faint? Hmmm I know that if I was near Obama I would probably faint. Soo whos to say it's fake..I think thats BS....

    So do you think that Elvis's followers were paid to faint? I think NOT

  10. Just like there is no press of the Annenberg thing with Aeyers; his own documents prove Obama is lying about it.  And not much on the Infant Protection Act that he prevented from becoming law, allowing live babies to die in hospitals without getting help from doctors.  Or his censorship smear of Stanley Kurtz, whose sole offense was presenting the facts about Annenberg.  Obama in 19 months has yet to face the scrutiny Palin has in less than a week.

    And if I listen to much more of Obama's bull I might pass out also.

  11. Because there's no story. Did these "fainters" secure earmarks? Were they for the bridge to nowhere before they were against it? Did they fire someone for not doing what the governor says?

    Maybe they were just elitists wearing a $300,000 outfit?

    Who knows? There just isn't a story there.

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