
Why is the price of diesel so high?

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At one time diesel was about half the cost of gasoline. Gasoline is the most expensive to produce in the refinery. It is a blended manufactured fuel whereas diesel is just pulled out of the refinery at a lower heat ready to go. It is very cheap to make. The oil companies seem to be really ripping us off here.




  1. Yeah, it's all about the money Bruno.

    If you really want to know what the h**l is going on when something is obviously wrong? You follow the money, everything these days is all about the money.

  2. It is more or less a case of supply and demand.Increase in Gasoline price has increased the demand for diesel which is cheaper.Second the major part of price we pay for diesel is taxes and transportation cost.Reduction oil drilling by USA is another factor.

  3. supply and demand

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