
Why is the price of gas suddenly rising so fast?

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Why is the price of gas suddenly rising so fast?




  1. High demand and greedy people have raised the prices.  Did you just notice this?  Int has stopped and actually come down for the first time in over a year around here.

  2. Cream isn't the only thing that floats to the top.

    This also can be blamed on a foreign nation.

    I wish I had that excuse for McCain & Obama.

  3. Tensions over a possible conflict in the strait of hornuz.

    Gas is directly associated with the price of oil on the international market, and people buy oil futures contracts, and if they believe that oil may become scarcer, the price of futures rises, based on the bid for deliveries.

    To the poster below me, we do not buy gas or even oil from Iraq.  We buy are oil from our neighbors in the following order.

    1. Canada 2. Mexico   3. Venezuela    4.  Nigeria.

  4. Cause the U.S. thought it would be funny to have Bush as President!

  5. The reason is because iraq is selling the gas to us and they are raising the price. So the people who buy gas and sell it to us Has to raise the price even more. That is also the reason George Bush [who is g*y look it up in google] is going to war with them. Have you been living under a rock.  


  6. email G W Bush

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